22 March 2010Chile

Indra's systems support air traffic management in more than 80 countries.

In the defense and security area, its equipment carry out surveillance, protection and command and control tasks.

Indra, one of the leading IT companies in Latin America and Europe, will present its avant-garde solutions for the management of air traffic, security and defense at FIDAE International Air and Space Fair. The event will take place in Santiago de Chile, starting on Tuesday, March 23rd. 

Within the air traffic area, Indra will unveil a set of technologies to guarantee integral civil flight management, from take off to landing.

The exhibition will include primary, secondary and avant-garde surface radars which provide information about activity in the air space or air field. It will also present the company’s air traffic automated control systems which support air traffic controllers work in the ATC tower and control centers, digital communication systems, airports management systems and aeronautics information systems (AIS).

Global competidor

Indra has implemented important air traffic management projects in more than 80 countries and is one of the leading companies in the sector. Among the latest contracts we should mention the deployment of the radar station network to cover 60% of China’s air space. The company has also won the latest most important contracts of India and of The Sultanate of Oman.

In Latin America it works in close cooperation with The Central American Corporation for Air Navigation Services (COCESNA) and is an air traffic management systems supplier of Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Argentina and Uruguay.

In Europe, the company is technology partner of air navigation services providers of UK (NATS), Germany (DFS) and Spain (AENA) and is one of the most active companies within Sesar, the initiative to create the single European sky.

Leader in Security and Defense

Regarding Security and Defense, Indra will reveal its avant-garde solutions of radar surveillance, electro-optical systems for day and night vision, electronic defense equipment and command and control systems.

Among the cutting edge surveillance solutions to be exhibited we should mention the Lanza 3D radars. They are part of the early warning air alert system and are in service in countries such as Uruguay and Portugal. These systems meet the strictest standards of NATO member countries.

The company’s electro-optical devices cover more than 3,000 km of coast for surveillance in Spain, Portugal, Romania, Latvia or Hong Kong and its electronic defence solutions have been implemented on the most modern platforms, for instance the Eurofighter or the new Spanish Navy’s F-100 frigates.

FIDAE attendees will also be shown the MANTA system, developed by Indra to protect civil or military aircrafts from land-air missiles launched by Man-portable air-defence systems, commonly known as manpads.

It will also unveil its technological expertise in command and control systems (C4I) which were designed to manage air operations and emergency situations, among other applications. In addition to this, the company will show land and satellite communications solutions. Finally, Indra will demonstrate its experience in technologies related to observation of the Earth and management, processing, generation and distribution of satellite imaging.

Indra has a global presence in Latin America and employs more than 6000 professionals in the information technologies, air traffic control, transport, and defense and security sectors.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalization, and also the second Spanish company in terms of investment in R&D. In 2009, revenues reached € 2,513 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

