4 July 2012Spain
  • The event, organised by the National Police in Palencia (Spain) in coordination with TEDAE, includes the participation of the FBI, Frontex and Europol
  • Indra will display its cybersecurity solutions, police intervention simulator and will perform a flight demonstration of its UAVs


Indra participates in the International Cybercrime Course in the Framework of Public and Private Security, organised by the National Police and TEDAE (Spanish Association for Defence, Aeronautics and Space Technologies) at the San Zoilo Monastery in Carrión de los Condes (Palencia, Spain) on July 5th and 6th.

The company will attend as a leading company that is capable of covering all the areas of cybersecurity: citizens operating via the Internet with administrations or companies, organisation and private companies, critical infrastructures for society, and lastly, the state's organisation and operation. Indra is also the only Spanish company that is capable of undertaking both aspects of security: cybersecurity (communication and information systems) and physical security (venue, border and air space security, etc.).

The objective of this international course is to provide the industry and security forces with the possibility of establishing ways of collaborating in this field. The agencies and forces that will be present include the National Police, the FBI, Frontex, Europol and Eurojust.

Within the series of presentations and discussion panels that will take place, the technological multinational will discuss the systems for improving border control, cyberprotection and security associated to new means of communication.

Biometric identification

Indra's Director of Security, Alberto Calvo, will present the company's experience in developing digital identification systems, developing documentation and biometrics as well as quick border access systems.

Indra has played a key role in implementing Spain's electronic identification card and the company is currently working on the STORK programme, which is a project that will allow citizens from more than a dozen European countries to use their electronic identification beyond their borders. More than 30 million documents and identity cells carry Indra technology.

The company has also developed a quick border access system that has been tested at the Barajas and El Prat airports. The system automatically reads a passenger's document or passport, verifies their authenticity and the individual's identity through biometric recognition of each person's face and fingerprint.

In terms of cyberprotection, Indra's Director of Cybersecurity, Ascensio Chazarra, will offer a global vision of this new need that has become critical as society has increased its dependence on information and communication systems. Chazarra will highlight the need to face new threats by implementing proactive security. Lastly, Miguel Iribarren, an Indra expert, will discuss the risks associated to new means of communication via the web and detecting possible cases of abuse.

On another note, the monastery's cloister will house an Indra display of, among other items, secure data encoding communication systems and their inhibitors to counteract third party communications or to prevent the activation of explosive artefacts. The company will also bring its police intervention training simulator, which is a system that places agents in a virtual setting where they must resolve situations using the same resources available to them in reality.

Lastly, Indra will perform flight demonstrations at the Flight Aviation Sports Club of Villoldo (Palencia) of its unmanned Pelicano helicopter and its Mantis mini-UAV. The Pelicano is capable of flying during approximately six hours and can cover an area of a 150 km radius. It performs tasks related to surveillance, vessel detection, and human and drug trafficking along the coast. The Mantis is a system that is easy to transport, assemble and operate, and offers the capability of observing what lies within a 30 km radius.

Comprehensive Cybersecurity offering

Indra covers all the cybersecurity needs of businesses, institutions and citizens. The company offers a range of services that include initial consulting, the development of platforms and technologies, their operation and use, control and audits as well as staff training. Indra's objective is to minimise the vulnerabilities of ICT systems and Industrial Control Systems, to protect the information of companies and organisations, and to ensure the continuity of the business or service.

The company addresses infrastructure protection, identity confirmation, information confidentiality, network operation guarantees and protection, as well as the implementation of security and risk management models. Its customers include some of the leading Spanish banks, administrations, security and defence forces, and companies that manage critical systems, among others.


Indra is the leading technology multinational in Spain and a leader in Europe and Latin America. It is the second European company in its sector in terms of R&D, with €550 million invested in the last three years. Its turnover in 2011 was €2.688 billion, and more than half of its income is currently from international markets. The company employs more than 40,000 professionals and has customers in 118 countries.
