•  The IT company was awarded the contract through its subsidiary COM S.A., a Peruvian leading company in IT, BPO services, in temporary consortium with Proactiva Medio Ambiente
  • The project includes the delivery and implementation of measurement systems as well as the integral management of the services related to the water meters for three years in the city centre which is the most important quarter covered by the company

Sedapal, Lima’s sanitation company, awarded the integral management of its commercial services of drinking water supplies in the centre of the city to the temporary consortium of COM S.A., Indra’s Peruvian subsidiary leading company in IT services and the Spanish Group Proactiva Medio Ambiente, The global amount is nearly 58 million Euros. The city centre’s population exceeds 3,300.000 inhabitants and is the most important town in terms of size, users and revenue of the three areas covered by Sedapal.

The project, with an execution period of three years, includes the supply, implementation and maintenance of water meters, implementation of software, and guidelines for the registry, control and followup of the services.

On the other hand, the commercial activity includes reading of the water meters, posting of bills and notifications to clients and home inspections. Furthermore, both companies will work on the detection of illegal connections, implement measures to ensure payment of bills and regulate overdue payments or fraud.

Indra’s reinforced presence in Peru

Indra's acquisition of COM S.A.'s share capital in early 2010 represents a significant reinforcement of the company's activities in this country with projects already delivered for financial entities, telecommunication companies and the defence sector. Indra was also awarded the development of the largest project to modernise Peru's air traffic management systems for USD 34 M. The project was presented at the beginning of 2010 by The Peruvian Corporation of Commercial Airports and Aviation Inc. (CORPAC). The event was attended by the President of the Republic Alan García.

This way, the IT company continues consolidating its position in Latin America with operations in more than 16 countries and with over 6,000 professionals.

COM S.A.(www.comsa.com.pe), is a Peruvian leading company in the IT and BPO services. It employs over 1,000 professionals who are engaged in numerous technological projects for first-rate clients such as Telefonica, or deliver BPO services for Utilities companies or Public Administrations, among others.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the first European company in its sector according to investment in R&D and is the second Spanish company in absolute value investments in R&D. In 2009 revenues reached € 2,513 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

Headquartered in Madrid, Proactiva Medio Ambiente is one of the leading companies in Latin America in environmental services. It specialises in integral management of water and residues. It is present in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela supplying services to more than 42 million people. 
