18 November 2019Spain
  • In-Mova Space, the cross-organizational platform for mobility and infrastructure management that is the cohesive element of Indra Mova Solutions, the end-to-end transportation solutions portfolio, integrates all the agents involved in the ecosystem and enhances inter-modality and new business models
  • Implemented across the five continents, In-Mova Space capitalizes on its digital capabilities to adapt transportation to real demand, improve the traveler’s experience and facilitate maintenance, automation and smarter and more sustainable, effective, collaborative and open mobility
  • Indra will demonstrate at the Smart City Expo World Congress how its mobility platform is capable of integrating the solutions managed by London’s tunnels, Madrid’s intercity buses and Spain's road authority's roads and how it has been prepared for connected vehicles and travelers' apps
Smart mobility

Indra, one of the leading global technology and consultancy companies, has revamped its mobility-related technological platform to facilitate a cross-organizational vision of mobility management and the use of transportation infrastructure, reinforcing Indra Mova Solutions, its portfolio of end-to-end solutions for all modes of transportation, and providing more added value for its customers. 

In-Mova Space integrates the entire ecosystem of transportation, infrastructure and operators, enhances the inter-modality, inter-operability and integration of all data and facilitates the development of new business models in terms of smart mobility.

Implemented by leading clients across the five continents, In-Mova Space is based on Indra’s experience and profound knowledge of the transportation business and its challenges for the future, which it will be able to overcome as a result of its capacity for constant growth and evolution. Based on the new digital technologies, it adapts the transportation supply to the actual demand and the user’s needs, improving the traveler’s experience, optimizing the capacity and maintainability of the infrastructures and services and promoting the development of automation and a smarter and safer and more sustainable, collaborative and accessible kind of mobility.

The platform is geared towards mobility as a service and generates a collaborative scenario in which the data from all the modes of transportation are shared and the information is enriched, applying smart analytics, learning and predictive models. It thus supports the entire project life cycle, from the design phase to its maintenance and operation.

In-Mova Space facilitates patterns for the automation of operations and high-quality support for critical decision making, reinforced by the appropriate human-machine cooperation. Thus, the application of the new technologies leads to a service with greater quality, efficiency, profitability and safety.

Indra will exhibit In-Mova Space at the Smart City Expo World Congress, to be held from November 19th to 21st in Barcelona. It will demonstrate how its platform provides the basis upon which London’s tunnels, Manila’s metropolitan area and Spain's road authority's roads are managed and monitored and how it is able to integrate the solutions that manage Madrid’s intercity buses and control access to subway and stations around the world.

In-Mova Space promotes a more collaborative and inter-modal form of mobility by integrating Indra’s solutions, in this case those that have the greatest impact on cities: Mova Traffic, which includes systems for operating roads, tunnels, subways and bus and train fleets, Mova Protect, which encompasses systems for smart security and video surveillance, enforcement and comprehensive emergency management, and Mova Collect, which comprises the ticketing, tolls and back office systems.
The company will also bring to the event a demonstration of the systems that enable communication between the infrastructure and connected vehicles (V2I) and show how big data and artificial intelligence can facilitate predictive models to improve transportation and infrastructure operations. In addition, during the panel discussion at the Mobility of Tomorrow session of the Smart Mobility Congress, held in parallel with the largest global congress on smart cities, Manuel López Villena, Indra’s road traffic and infrastructure director, will explain how its technology has been prepared to integrate connected vehicles and overcome the challenges of autonomous driving. 

The user and sustainability, at the center of mobility

Users are finding themselves increasingly at the center of mobility and demanding that it be safer, faster, more accessible and more suited to their real needs. Indra’s platform also facilitates the above personalization and a better user experience, providing the best information for decision-making and enabling account-based models. Mova Experience provides innovative solutions for the very best user experience.

Citizens are also demanding more sustainable mobility. To contribute to this, In-Mova Space permits the development of solutions that combine mobility needs with the physical capacity of cities, making it possible to adapt the supply to the actual demand at any given moment. This involves applying the innovation within the sector to sustainability in terms of the economic and environmental repercussions and the impact on people’s quality of life and accessibility.

Indra’s solutions contribute to reducing accidents and improving the safety and protection of travelers and infrastructures, making them more efficient and optimizing the use of public resources. They also help to make the management of transportation more efficient and less polluting, reducing its carbon footprint, promoting sustainable mobility policies and improving air quality.

This year, Indra’s pledge to facilitate more sustainable, environmentally-friendly, secure, efficient and sustainable mobility by means of innovation and the use of artificial intelligence, big data, the cloud and systems to integrate connected vehicles has been key to obtaining major contracts with leading customers from Australia, the United States and Europe.

Leader in smart mobility

More than 100 cities around the world, including London, Madrid, Dublin, Medellin, Curitiba, Kuwait and Manila, have placed their trust in Indra’s solutions to improve their urban mobility. The company’s smart technology applied to traffic management and urban and interurban transportation facilitates safer and more efficient and sustainable mobility, promotes the use of public transportation and inter-modal urban transportation services and contributes to reducing traffic congestion and pollutant emissions and their related costs.

Indra is one of the leading ticketing companies in the world, with testimonials such as the subway systems in Madrid, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Mumbai, Shanghai and Cairo, the trains in Buenos Aires, the suburban railroad in Mexico City, the monorail and subway in Kuala Lumpur and the light subway in Austin (USA). More than 15,000 buses around the world are also managed with the company’s technology.

Indra has unique experience in the area of transportation, having carried out over 2,500 projects in more than 50 countries. Its Transportation Division, Indra Mova Solutions, covers the entire life cycle of its clients' projects and combines the new digital, integration, specialization and innovation capabilities demanded by the market, with reliability, business knowledge, Indra's proprietary transport technology and the unique experience of its team of professionals.

About Indra

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and is a technology partner for the key business operations of its clients worldwide. It is a leading global supplier of proprietary solutions in specific segments of the Transportation and Defense markets, and a leading company in digital transformation and Information Technologies consulting in Spain and Latin America through its subsidiary, Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive offer of its own products, with an end-to-end approach, high-value and a high innovation aspect. In 2018 financial year, Indra achieved revenue of 3.104 billion, with 43,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in more than 140 countries.
