10 October 2012Spain
  • The PDA technology provided by the company will cover 75% of the electorate and facilitate the electronic transmission of data from the polling stations



 The Xunta de Galicia (Government of Galicia) has once again entrusted Indra, Spain's leading IT multinational and one of the leading companies in Europe and Latin America, with the provision of the technology to count the votes in the parliamentary election to be held in the Spanish region on 21 October. The total electorate is almost 2,300,000 people, with some 4,000 polling tables at more than 2,500 polling stations. Indra provided technological support in the 2009 election in Galicia.
The project contemplates the counting of the votes and the supply of electoral support services, both for the provisional count and the definitive results. Almost 260 Indra professionals will provide technological and logistics support for the electoral process in the autonomous region. The team is made up of experts from other geographic areas of the company and technicians from Indra's Software Lab in A Coruña.
The technology multinational will once again use PDA technology to transmit the voting data from the polling stations to the information processing centre. On this occasion, there will be one PDA device for every three polling tables, covering 75% of the electorate. The use of these devices speeds up the counting process, increases the quality of the data to be transmitted by incorporating additional controls at the voting point, eliminates repetitive tasks and automates the transmission of information.
Furthermore, with the aim of increasing the reliability of the count, there will be two data collection centres in Santiago de Compostela: one at the Ciudad de La Cultura (City of Culture of Galicia) complex to compile the data from the provinces of A Coruña and Lugo and the other at the Xunta de Galicia administrative centre in San Caetano to receive the data from the provinces of Ourense and Pontevedra. In the event of a contingency, either of the two centres could be used to collect the data from all four provinces.

Leader in electoral processes
Indra has gained experience from participating in more than 350 electoral processes throughout the world, involving more than three billion voters. It is a pioneer in the use of new technologies with solutions that include Electronic Voting, e-Counting, Internet Voting, as well as solutions and services for citizen involvement such as the iPARTICIPA platform, applied technological solutions for electoral management such as the use of PDAs or equipping polling tables with computer tools that facilitate and simplify tasks (Electronically Administered Table, EAT).

In recent years, Indra has participated in the electoral processes of countries such as the United Kingdom, Norway, France, Slovenia, Portugal, Italy, the USA, Argentina and Angola, providing a wide variety of electoral solutions and services and implementing innovative electronic voting systems. It was also responsible for the provisional count and dissemination of the results of the elections held in the Spanish regions of Asturias and Andalusia in March 2012 and of the Spanish local and general elections held in 2011 in addition to the majority of the elections held in the autonomous regions that year.

Indra participated in El Salvador's legislative and municipal elections in March of this year. Moreover, in 2011, Indra was responsible for the counting of the votes in Argentina's primary elections for the national electoral positions of president and vice-president, deputies and senators in August and in the general elections for these offices in October, the local elections for the city of Buenos Aires and the province of Buenos Aires, some of Colombia's local elections and Oslo's local elections using its e-Counting technology.

Indra is the leading technology multinational in Spain and a leader in Europe and Latin America. It is the second European company in its sector in terms of R&D, with €550 million invested in the last three years. Its turnover in 2011 was €2.688 billion, and more than half of its income is currently from international markets. The company employs 40,000 professionals and has customers in 118 countries.
