26 April 2011SpainJordan
  • The project, of € 4 m approximately, joins two previous ATM contracts for Oman and Kuwait

Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America, has won a contract to implement radar surveillance and air traffic management systems in Jordan. The contract awarded by the Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission (CARC) of the country, amounts to € 4M approximately.

This new reference reinforces the company’s position in ATM in the Middle East as it comes on top recent contracts awarded in Oman and Kuwait. The latest contracts won in this region exceed the lump sum of € 100 m which clearly shows a strong market penetration.
Indra will implement in Jordan a secondary radar system in order to enhance air space control. The accuracy of the positioning data and aircraft identification will help improve the management of air space.

The company will also equip Amman’s control centre with its air traffic management automation system. This technology combines the radar system information with that of the flight plans so that air traffic controllers receive an accurate picture of what is going on in their area.
The system also detects possible conflicts among the routes of the aircraft quite in advance so that the operator can make a decision. This way, security levels are increased and the delays due to these factors are reduced.

The modernization process of the air traffic management infrastructures will allow Jordan’s airports to handle more flights which is a key element for the country as one of the Middle East’ main tourism attractions.

Indra in the Middle East

The Middle East and the Gulf are strategic sites for the company as the economies of some countries are growing at a fast rate as well as the demand of technology to modernize their infrastructures.

Besides the ATM contracts awarded in Oman and Kuwait, we should mention other references in the area in the utilities and public administrations sectors. For instance; in Saudi Arabia the company implemented a management system in a combined cycle plant of the Arab-Japanese RAWEC consortium; in Bahrain it implemented management systems for the Ministry of Electricity and Water and in the Arab Emirates it signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Mubadala, Abu Dhabi's investment vehicle, in order to establish new technological alliances.


Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to investment in R&D with nearly € 500 M during the last three years. In 2010 revenues reached € 2,557 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 30,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.
