17 December 2010Spain
  • The Board of Directors promotes Regino Moranchel to President.
  • Appoints Javier de Andres, currently Executive VicePresident, as Chief Operating Officer.

Indra's Board of Directors, in its December 16th session, has adopted several resolutions oriented to reinforce the Top Management team in order to deal with its intense globalisation process and future goals.  

Regino Moranchel has been promoted to the position of President of the Company. From this position, Mr. Moranchel will focus in the supervision of Indra’s most critical businesses and activities and in the implementation of strategic processes required to strengthen Indra’s globalization and to fully leverage the Company’s growth opportunities.

The Board of Directors will propose to the next AGM, which most probably will take place in the first half of 2011, the appointment of Javier de Andrés, currently Executive VicePresident of Indra, as Member of the Board of Directors. Javier de Andrés will share the competences and responsibilities of Chief Operating Officer with Regino Moranchel from next January.

Finally, the Board has promoted Carlos Suárez, currently Deputy Executive VicePresident in charge of Defence, to the position of Executive VicePresident and thus joining the Company’s Executive Committee as member of the Top Management team.

