5 November 2012Spain


  •  The two partners will seek out business opportunities in the areas of documentation, biometric recognition and internet identity
  • The aim of the alliance is to strengthen the position of the two organisations to win new projects in the global market


The Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre – Real Casa de la Moneda [National Coinage and Stamp Factory – Royal Mint] and the technology multinational Indra have recently signed a collaboration agreement to work together on digital documentation, biometric identification and internet security projects.

The two companies will share their experience and knowledge in these areas in any business opportunities that might arise, especially on the international scale. The Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre – Real Casa de la Moneda (FNMT-RCM) has recognised Indra as a strategic partner in this scope.

This collaboration could result in the development and issuance of identity documents and passports, the implementation of PKI systems, the implementation of complete electronic signature solutions, and digital identification solutions to access online services, amongst other projects.

The FNMT-RCM will contribute its experience in the manufacture, supply and provision of high security and technology products and services, such as identification documents, electronic signatures and chip cards. 

For its part, Indra will provide its technological knowledge and experience in the development of smart identity documents; biometric identification systems based on facial parameters, fingerprints and other aspects; cryptographic systems and KPI solutions. Indra is a leader in this scope, with more than 30 million documents and identity cards issued in Europe and Latin America. 

The agreement is the result of the work Indra and the FNMT-RCM have been carrying out together over the last 10 years. The two companies have collaborated in various projects, such as the implementation of digital certification services.

For Indra this agreement with the FNMT-RCM forms part of its commitment to innovation, the very foundation of its business and its sustainability as a company. In its open innovation model the company seeks and fosters innovation internally and also through its relationships with customers, partners, suppliers, universities and institutions.

Indra in security

Indra provides security technology and solutions for all types of threats. Indra's products and services enable military and civil organisations in both the public and private sectors to identify threats before they materialise, prevent them from happening and protect infrastructure to prevent damage. Even if the threats do materialise, Indra's solutions respond in such a way as to minimise possible damage.

In addition to documentation and biometric systems, the company develops intelligence and cyber security systems, infrastructure surveillance and protection systems, and citizen safety and emergency management systems. Indra technology currently protects more than 3,500 km of borders in Spain, Portugal, Latvia, Romania and Hong Kong and manages emergencies in Madrid (Madrid Integrated Security and Emergency Centre - CISEM) and throughout Spain (SIMGE system of the Military Emergencies Unit).


Indra is the leading technology multinational in Spain and a leader in Europe and Latin America. It is the second European company in its sector in terms of R&D, with €550 million invested in the last three years. Its turnover in 2011 was €2.688 billion, and more than half of its income is currently from international markets. The company employs 40,000 professionals and has customers in 118 countries.

Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre - Real Casa de la Moneda

The FNMT-RCM is a state-owned entity that since its establishment has been linked to the printing of banknotes and the minting of coins and has vast experience in the manufacture of high security products, including identity documents. Over the course of time, the entity has adapted to new technologies and is now recognised both in Spain and internationally as a security solutions factory for supporting documents, integrated identification projects and consultancy services.
