30 October 2012Dominican Republic
  • The multinational has signed a contract with the Corporación Dominicana de Empresas Eléctricas Estatales to implement its network operation system (iSD) in the country's three distribution companies

  • The contract makes Indra the leading supplier of technology services to the Dominican electricity market and consolidates its leadership in the Latin American energy market



Indra, one of the leading Information Technology multinationals in Europe and Latin America, has recently signed a contract with the Corporación de Dominicana de Empresas Eléctricas Estatales (CDEEE) to implement Indra Smart Distribution (iSD), its distribution network management system, in the country's three distribution companies: EDEESTE, EDESUR and EDENORTE.

Indra's solution includes the management of notifications and incidents, support for the network operation processes (fault detection, switching, outages...) and the management of development and maintenance work and its integration in the corresponding commercial management systems, also implemented by Indra.

Among other benefits, the new system will minimize the time required to connect new customers to the network and reduce supply interruptions. Moreover, it will provide more precise information about the status of supply requests and claims.  
The project consolidates Indra as the main supplier of technology services in the Dominican electricity market and means that the multinational's technology will manage all the country's electricity distribution networks.
To develop the project local resources will be combined with the support of Indra's Software Lab in Campinas (Brazil), the technology multinational's energy solutions centre.

The Spanish company has also carried out a project in the neighbouring country of Haiti to modernise the commercial and distribution areas of Electricité d'Haïtí, also by means of implementing its solutions in this scope. The contract included the commercial management and network incident systems developed by the IT company and a data processing centre to support corporate applications.

Indra is currently working on the development of new technologies and solutions in the areas of energy efficiency and sustainability, both in the generation, transmission and distribution areas and in industrial, residential and transportation consumption. The company is also involved in a variety of projects related to Smart Grids with the aim of ensuring sustainable, safe and economic development and is participating in an advisory capacity in the Spanish National Energy Commission's working group on the development of Smart Grids.
Solutions in more than 30 countries

The technology solutions for utilities and energy developed by Indra have been implemented in more than 140 electricity, water and gas companies in more than 30 countries. Currently more than 100 million customers worldwide are managed using systems developed by Indra.

Indra is the leader in the utilities and energy market in Spain and Latin America and is a technology partner in the international scope of the main energy companies, such as Enel/Endesa. It is present in practically every country in Latin America and numbers among its customers the biggest companies in the sector: Petrobras, CEMIG and Elektro (Brazil); CGE (Chile), ECOPETROL (Colombia), PETROPERÚ (Peru), CADAFE and CORPELEC (Venezuela), PEMEX (Mexico), OSE (Uruguay); YPF, Metrogas and EMDERSA (Argentina); Endesa, Gas Natural Fenosa and the American companies AES and AEI. Furthermore, in Spain its clientele includes the main companies in the utilities sector, such as Red Eléctrica, Gas Natural Fenosa, Repsol and Cepsa.
The solutions of the Spanish multinational also help to manage utilities in Kenya (KPLC and KENGEN), Zimbabwe (ZESA), Zambia (ZESCO), Ethiopia (EEPCO), Uganda (UMEME) and the Philippines (Meralco), among others.


Indra is the leading technology multinational in Spain and a leader in Europe and Latin America. It is the second European company in its sector in terms of R&D, with €550 million invested in the last three years. Its turnover in 2011 was €2.688 billion, and more than half of its income is currently from international markets. The company employs 40,000 professionals and has customers in 118 countries.

