27 October 2010Spain
  • CSR Europe’s Enterprise 2020 MarketPlace is the meeting place of the best initiatives and projects of Social Responsibility in Europe.
  • Accessible Technologies aim to reduce the digital gap and enhance a degree of independence for people with disabilities in areas such as access to education or employment.
  • Indra’s participation in the event implies an acknowledgment to its Corporate Responsibility policy alongside Innovation, which are best represented by accessible technologies at a social level. 

The accessible technologies of Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, have been chosen among the four Spanish entrepreneurial initiatives to participate in the “Enterprise 2020 MarketPlace” organised by CSR Europe. The event takes place today, October 28th in Brussels with over 400 attendees from international companies, business networks, EU institutions and other European or International groups of interest.

The event, hosted by CSR Europe, is the meeting place of the best initiatives and corporate social responsibility projects at European level. Therefore, Indra’s participation implies an acknowledgment to the company’s corporate responsibility policy best represented by accessible technologies at a social level.

The projects delivered by Indra are exhibited at the company’s stand. These projects have been developed within the framework of the Accessible Technologies Chairs set up by Indra as part of its corporate responsibility strategy and in cooperation with Adecco Foundation and different universities.

More than 12 R&D&I projects have been delivered throughout five years since the creation of the Chairs. Among them we should highlight HeadMouse-a free virtual mouse which enables people with disabilities to use a computer by means of a webcam and the movements of the head and face; or the VirtualKeyboard, free as well, which allows typing. The HeadMouse has been downloaded 280,000 times and the Virtual Keyboard 7,500 all over the world since they were launched.


Besides this, we can also mention GANAS, a project which consists of a virtual interpreter of sign language; Emplea-T, oriented to facilitate access of visually impaired people to the TDT interactive application; or IdenSound to help the hearing impaired identify alarms, telephones and bell sounds, etc.

Accessible Technologies Investigation Chairs

The Accessible Technologies Investigation Chairs created by Indra in cooperation with Adecco Foundation and different universities seek to develop avant-garde technology solutions and services to promote access to technology and integration of people with disabilities. The recent Chair created in the National University of Cordoba, Argentina- the first of this type in Latin America- joins other four chairs created by Indra in Spain in cooperation with Adecco Foundation, the universities of Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Lleida and the Technical University of Madrid.

With this initiative, besides offering new technological solutions Indra seeks to become an international reference model in search of excellence in the development of accessible technologies and in the cooperation and technology transfer between universities and companies. In addition to this, it intends to create the first scientific community for research in this area.

For more information regarding Accessible Technologies go to: http://www.tecnologiasaccesibles.com

Enterprise 2020: Towards European strategy

The Enterprise 2020 initiative is supported by CSR Europe's members and national partners- Foretica in Spain- the European Commission and several European governments, and it focuses on the development of the future sustainable company by combining CSR and competitiveness.

This ambitious action plan for the upcoming decade is oriented to optimising collaboration among stakeholders and to promoting Europe’s global leadership in terms of CSR. Activities will aim at four broad thematic areas: Transforming Markets, Inclusive Societies, Health and Wellbeing and Transparency for Trust.

CSR Europe is the leading European business network for corporate social responsibility with around 70 multinational corporations and 27 national partner organisations as members.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the first European company in its sector according to investment in R&D and is the second Spanish company in absolute value investments in R&D. In 2009 revenues reached € 2,513 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 30,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.
