2 October 2012Spain
  • inGIVE electric, a cloud application developed by Indra and NECON with GNúbila technology, issues recommendations based on a diagnostic test that can result in savings of over 25% on electricity bills


The Spanish Federation of Private Clinics (FNCP) will provide its more than 300 members with the first cloud application designed to diagnose actual energy consumption needs and adapt contracts. inGIVE electric, the solution developed by Indra and NECON Energía, is offered in the SaaS (Software as a Service) mode, following registration in inGIVE's marketplace (www.ingivecompany.com), and provides all the economic, accessibility and availability advantages of its location in the cloud.

This application is the first of a series of products created under inGIVE, a joint initiative formed by Indra and NECON Energía to develop solutions oriented towards energy efficiency based on the latest technologies. 

inGIVE electric facilitates diagnoses for the reduction of energy costs and a report on the actual consumption of the company and its electricity contract with the supply company in order to adjust actual demand and reduce consumption costs. According to NECON Energía's estimates, if companies act on the recommendations, they can reduce their electricity bills by over 25% without any initial layout.

All that is required to carry out a diagnosis is the customer's data and last twelve electricity bills, which contain all the load curve and actual consumption information. The tool can then assess exactly what the company or entity needs for its activity, compare it to the electricity consumption it has contracted and rate the contract. That is, it breaks down the fixed, variable and actual costs according to actual consumption, not contracted consumption. Moreover, inGIVE electric studies give priority to the reactive power the company produces in order to prevent not only economic penalties, but also damage to the installations.

The companies are provided with a report with recommendations on their management conditions, an assessment of efficiency with respect to their energy usage and an estimate that indicates whether their contract is the best in the market in relation both to the amounts they pay and their needs.

Moreover, the application is capable of quantifying the approximate savings that could be achieved by making the changes and indicating, for example, whether there is the option of submitting a claim for billing mistakes. Finally, it offers the customer the option of specifying and carrying out all the actions necessary to make these savings.

Advantages of the cloud

Lower costs, high availability and accessibility are some of the benefits that this tool provides compared to more traditional models. Its use does not require initial licence and hardware investments or any maintenance and user support. In addition, users are able to access the service 24/7 from any location with Internet access.

Another significant point is the security of the customers' information, thanks to mechanisms that guarantee the security of the network and the identity of the user and manage access to the resources of the applications.

At the cutting edge of Cloud services
Indra is at the cutting edge of Cloud Computing services and solutions thanks to its comprehensive offer, called Indra In-Cloud, which encompasses the entire value chain of Information Technology services: from consultancy (helping customers to optimise their capacities and minimise their costs) to the development of new solutions and the outsourcing of IT services.

For the migration and development of cloud solutions, Indra uses Gnúbila's G© PaaS technology. This is the technology behind the iCloudBroker platform, which the inGIVE Marketplace is based on, and the development of the inGIVE electric solution, which is marketed under a SaaS format.

Indra is the leading technology multinational in Spain and a leader in Europe and Latin America. It is the second European company in its sector in terms of R&D, with €550 million invested in the last three years. Its turnover in 2011 was €2.688 million, and more than half of its income is currently from international markets. The company employs 40,000 professionals and has customers in 118 countries.

NECON Energía
Necon Energía specialises in the implementation of energy management improvements and systems by modifying and/or replacing traditional installations with ones that are more sensitive to the environment, generate a greater capacity for savings and have lower energy consumption. Its added value is the provision of solutions to reduce energy consumption because "There is no greater efficiency than energy not consumed".


