29 May 2014Spain
  • The digital help and advice platform for entrepreneurs, developed by Indra for the Prince of Girona Foundation, has passed 500 registered users
  • This meeting point for entrepreneurs and possible financial backers provides a global vision of the entrepreneurial cycle and useful business idea definition applications



Thanks to its activity over the last year, the customized digital help and advice platform for entrepreneurs, "Entrepreneuring is Possible" (also known as "Emprender es posible", its Spanish name) of the Prince of Girona Foundation (Fundación de Príncipe de Girona or FPdGi), now has more than ten business projects under way (four of which are fully operational), 65 completed business models and more than 500 registered users.

The platform (http://www.emprenderesposible.org), which since its inception has enjoyed the support and collaboration of Indra, a member of the Foundation's board of trustees, connects the various players involved in the entrepreneurial ecosystem: people with enterprising ideas in all scopes (social, cultural, educational, technological, artistic, etc.) and professionals and agents that foster the entrepreneurial spirit. The aim is to facilitate innovative new projects in all sectors.

In 2013 "Entrepreneuring is Possible" attended more than 10 entrepreneurial forums in numerous Spanish cities, including Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Santiago de Compostela, Girona, Oviedo and Cádiz. 25 initiatives have been published in its marketplace with the aim of connecting the entrepreneurs who are behind them to business angels, potential investors and even possible collaborative partners with similar business ideas. Moreover, the entrepreneurs have been provided with a monitoring and coaching service to help them take their new businesses further than they had initially considered by, for example, supporting internationalization initiatives or the intensive use of the latest technologies.

From an Idea to an International Company

In total, 65 projects have defined their business model with the platform and they have been realized thanks to the advice of innovation and entrepreneurship specialists from Indra and the FPdGi. 12 original ideas are currently being fast-tracked along the road to company incorporation and even internationalization, with four business projects in the market consolidation phase.

The four companies that are now fully operational, albeit with different levels of maturity, are:

  • Feebbo. This Internet market research company is operating in Spain, Chile, Mexico, Brazil and Colombia with five employees and an annual turnover of €300,000.
  • bidphoria.com. It offers a new competitive and interactive way of buying over the Internet. With a turnover of €250,000 in Spain, it employs eight people and is starting to operate in Mexico.
  • ROBDOS. An innovative initiative that has developed underwater drones that use the sea's waves to facilitate the exploration of the seabed for commercial and scientific purposes, among others.
  • Lynza. A group of three entrepreneurs started this company to provide a variety of services using drones to carry out industrial inspections and capture images for use in advertising, cinema and security.

Benchmark Website for Entrepreneurs

The Prince of Girona Foundation's "Entrepreneuring is Possible" platform has been created thanks to Indra's leadership, the contributions made by the young entrepreneur Adrian Latorre and the collaboration of the DGIPYME (Ministry of Industry), the CEAJE (Spanish Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs), the Government of Catalonia and Novagroup. The initiative arose from the commitment made at the 2011 Impulsa Forum between Adrian Latorre and the Chairman of Indra, Javier Monzón, and subsequently adopted by the Prince of Girona Foundation, to create a "benchmark website for entrepreneurs".

The objective of "Entrepreneuring is Possible" is not only to provide a platform that is collaborative, open, simple, flexible and useful, but also to offer a global and unified vision of the "entrepreneurial cycle", allowing entrepreneurs to work together on projects and merge their initiatives. In addition to providing information, it allows entrepreneurs to access tools to define their ideas and develop business plans based on a methodological model (the Business Model Canvas). It facilitates the transformation of ideas into business plans in a natural and guided manner.

Indra and Entrepreneurs

Innovation is in Indra's DNA, it is the foundation of its business, the pillar of its sustainability as a company, and the cornerstone of the differentiation of its range of solutions and services. In an open innovation model, Indra seeks out and fosters innovation and talent both within its organization and through its relationships with customers, partners, suppliers, universities and knowledge institutions, and society in general. To create a more innovative ecosystem, upon which to build the knowledge economy, it is essential to promote the entrepreneurial spirit as an integral component of this model.

In addition to "Entrepreneuring is Possible", Indra's commitment to entrepreneurship is evident in its support for and participation in initiatives such as Emprende UC3M (University Carlos III of Madrid), Complu Emprende (Complutense University of Madrid), the ActúaUPM Company Creation Competition (Technical University of Madrid), AtrEBT (University of Cádiz), the Yuzz Program (Banco Santander), and UnLtd Spain, an international entrepreneurial support company. Moreover, David Pascual Portela, one of Indra's senior innovation managers, is the vice-president of AMETIC's Entrepreneurship and New Enterprise Area.

As a multinational, Indra also plays a major role in stimulating other smaller companies, start-ups and spin-offs, fostering entrepreneurial spirit and intrapreneurship (among the company's professionals) to feed this innovative ecosystem. The multinational actively collaborates with 232 innovative SMEs through both contracts and joint participation in R&D&I projects.

Indra, chaired by Javier Monzón, is Spain's number 1 consulting and technology multinational and one of the main multinationals in Europe and Latin America. Innovation and sustainability are the cornerstone of its business, having assigned over €570 million to R&D&I in the last three years, a figure that places it among the top European companies in its sector in terms of investment. With approximate sales of €3,000 M, 61% of its sales revenue is from the international market. It has 42,000 employees and customers in over 138 countries.
