News finder

  1. Indra joins the FCAS Concept Study as contractor

    The company signs an amendment to the contract started by Dassault Aviation and Airbus D&S GmbH in 2019 to play the same role as them and allow Spanish industry to join the work of the Joint Concept Study of the NGWS/FCAS program It is entering into i ...
    28 July 2020 - Spain
  2. Indra will reinforce air safety at eleven bases in South Korea

    It will implement air traffic management and surveillance systems to support approach maneuvers at military airbases, in a project that was awarded to Indra in an international tender in competition with the main defence and air traffic companies from USA ...
    23 July 2020 - Spain
  3. Minsait helps the Catalonia Tax Agency to reduce fraud and taxpayers' attendance at offices

    The digital update model developed by CTA and Minsait has made it possible to increase significantly the number of Property Transfer Tax compliance checks and achieve an accuracy rate of over 80% The Chatbots automated support will cut the number of taxpa ...
    22 July 2020 - Spain
  4. Indra has deployed passenger temperature control systems in thirteen spanish airports

    The system measures body temperature precisely and quickly and can detect people with mild fever symptoms, a key capability to enhance passenger safety without causing delays. It also reduces overcrowding during security screening and minimizes risks for ...
    21 July 2020 - Spain
  5. Alstom España, Indra and the construction firm SANJOSE Constructora will install the civil protection and safety systems in the tunnels of the Pajares line

    Adif has awarded the temporary joint venture consortium  comprising Alstom (35%), Indra (35%) and SANJOSE Constructora (30%) a contract worth 64 million euros  for the installation of the Protection and Safety Systems in the 12 tunnels along the Pajares l ...
    20 July 2020 - Spain
  6. Indra will develop the traffic management system of the railway network in Estonia for 18.4 million euros

    Eesti Raudtee, the company in charge of the Estonian national railroad, awarded the contract to Indra, which obtained the best technical and economic score in an international public tender The solution offered by Indra integrates centralized traffic cont ...
    16 July 2020 - Spain
  7. Minsait will help Gambia to manage its water and energy more efficiently

    It will implement advanced solutions to reduce the country’s losses and irregular consumption of water and electricity and improve the energy business management and incident care, with a major impact on the environment and people’s quality of life In sim ...
    13 July 2020 - Spain
  8. Indra will provide the Spanish Navy’s F110 frigates with state-of-the-art sensors, thus increasing its contribution to the construction of frigates to over 325 million euro

    Indra and Navantia have signed a 150-million euro contract to equip these frigates with electronic defence systems and an X-Band surface surveillance radar This new contract complements the one signed by Indra last year to build an antenna for the S-Band ...
    9 July 2020 - Spain
  9. Indra successfully tests its Optionally Piloted Vehicle Targus in a pioneer flight

    Indra will subject this advanced drone to a battery of tests in the non-segregated airspace After the aircraft takes off, the ground control station operates all systems and sensors Indra reaches one of the key milestones of the Civil UAVs Initiative prom ...
    7 July 2020 - Spain
  10. Indra and LFV overcome the barriers of Covid-19 and work to put into operation the radar that will surveil the Baltic

    Indra has remotely trained engineers of the aerial navigation services provider in Sweden to operate and maintain a state-of-the-art 3D radar The specialists from both companies coordinate to optimize and commission the system, within a pioneering collabo ...
    6 July 2020 - Spain