News finder

  1. Indra posted net profit of 31 million euros in 1h16

    Revenues and Order Intake accelerated their growth in local currency in 2T16, with increases of +3% (reaching €704m) and +11%, respectively EBITDA reached €100m in 1H16 vs €20m in 1H15 Recurrent EBIT Margin continued improving and reached 5.9% in 2Q16, vs ...
    29 July 2016 - Spain
  2. Minsait develops the most advanced firewall solution for malware introduced by USB devices in companies and institutions

    The Indra business unit has developed a system to securely analyze files and data from external USB devices before they are transferred to the networks and critical systems of companies and institutions The solution is already being used successfully in i ...
    21 July 2016 - Spain
  3. La plataforma de portales en la nube del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, desarrollada por Minsait, galardonada en OpenText Elite Award

    El proyecto se basa en una solución integral en cloud que asegura al Ayuntamiento una renovación tecnológica permanente así como el control de la inversión y de los costes de mantenimiento El nuevo modelo, soportado sobre una versión avanzada de OpenText, ...
    19 July 2016 - Spain, United States
  4. Indra groups into Minsait its digital transformation portfolio to strengthen its leadership and accelerate its growth in this market

    Under Minsait brand, Indra launches today a business unit that addresses the challenges posed by digital transformation to companies and institutions Indra's digital business posted in 2015 sales of 313.3 million euros, of which 185.6 correspond to t ...
    11 February 2016 - Spain
  5. Indra expands Hispasat ground segment by 5 million euros

    The company will implement four ground stations that will allow the operator to manage the new Hispasat 1F and Amazonas 5 satellites Indra reinforces its technology supplier relationship with this operator, which it has been working with for 20 years Indr ...
    1 February 2016 - Spain
  6. Indra consigue el sello “Calculo y Reduzco” del Ministerio de Medioambiente por rebajar sus emisiones

    La multinacional es una de las nueve empresas de las más de 200 incluidas en el Registro de huella de carbono del Ministerio que ha conseguido el distintivo, al acreditar una reducción del 8% de su huella de carbono en el último trienio Este sello supone ...
    28 January 2016 - Spain
  7. Indra y la Fundación CTIC firman un convenio marco para colaborar en actividades de I+D+i

    El objetivo es impulsar proyectos conjuntos de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico, formación y divulgación en ámbitos como movilidad, Internet de las Cosas, análisis inteligente de datos, tecnologías para reducir la brecha digital o smart cities El di ...
    26 January 2016 - Spain
  8. Indra is awarded a contract to maintain and develop healthcare information systems for the Andalusian Healthcare System

    The consulting and technology multinational has become the sole provider of maintenance and development services for Diraya, the information system that controls electronic clinical records for Andalusia and supports healthcare provision in the region Dir ...
    25 January 2016 - Spain
  9. Indra was awarded contracts in 2015 to supply six new Victrix simulators to the Spanish Armed Forces

    The systems facilitate training and practice for soldiers, who conduct real operations in a virtual environment using their standard-issue weapon The new contracts bring to 34 the total number of Victrix simulators delivered by Indra to the armed forces T ...
    20 January 2016 - Spain
  10. IDC positions Indra as a benchmark in value creation and the digital transformation of outsourcing

    According to a study by the market intelligence firm, the multinational has positioned itself as an agile technology partner able to respond proactively and on a global scale to changes stemming from new business models, the regulatory framework and digit ...
    19 January 2016 - Spain