News finder

  1. Investigadores de la UAB crean un sistema para la evaluación cognitiva de trabajadores con discapacidad

    Desarrollado en el marco de la Cátedra Indra-Fundación Adecco de Tecnologías Accesibles, PROLOG es la primera plataforma informática que adapta tests estandarizados de evaluación cognitiva al formato de los videojuegos Mejora el control de riesgos de salu ...
    8 June 2015 - Spain
  2. Indra´s revenues decreased by-5% and the net recurrent income has been-16 million euros in fisrt quarter of 2015, due to seasonality in the election business and the negative results in Brazil

    Revenues in Spain grew +5% (third consecutive quarter of positive growth rate). It is worth highlighting the positive trend of revenues in Transport & Traffic; Security & Defense; and PPAA. Revenues in Latam grew +1%, with positive growth rates in ...
    11 May 2015 - Spain
  3. La UCLM desarrolla dos innovadoras aplicaciones para personas con discapacidad

    La solución Sainet tiene como objetivo mejorar la interacción social de invidentes ofreciéndoles información del entorno, mientras el sistema Argos ayuda a gestionar documentos a personas con discapacidad intelectual, visual o auditiva Además de impulsar ...
    9 April 2015 - Spain
  4. La Asociación Española de Agencias de Desarrollo Regional confía en la plataforma "Emprender es posible" para apoyar a los emprendedores

    Los contenidos y servicios de la plataforma digital de asesoramiento para emprendedores serán utilizados por los usuarios y beneficiarios de la Asociación que quieran crear su propio negocio La Fundación Princesa de Girona, Indra y el FORO ADR, que agrupa ...
    26 March 2015 - Spain
  5. European ATM collaboration iTEC formally extended

    Executive members of the iTEC (interoperability Through European Collaboration) project signed a formal agreement today at the World ATM Congress in Madrid, extending the technical and commercial confines of the collaboration and committing to the conditi ...
    11 March 2015 - Spain
  6. SOFIAXL Consortium announced at World ATM Congress 2015 in Madrid

    The SOFIAXL Consortium will comprise of Indra (Spain) and its subsidiary Avitech (Germany), leading manufacturers of air navigation equipment, and air navigation service providers (ANSPs) of Lithuania (Oro vavigacija), Poland (PANSA) and Ukraine (UkSATSE) ...
    11 March 2015 - Spain
  7. Indra will exhibit its state-of-the-art air traffic management systems at the World ATM Congress

    It will present its broad range of solutions, which include automated management, communications, navigation and air surveillance Indra will exhibit its new Controller Working Position CWP and its advances in the development of solutions compatible with S ...
    5 March 2015 - Spain
  8. Indra presents its secure mobile communications solution, COMSec-VIP, at Mobile World Congress

    The service is designed to guarantee secure data and voice transmission for senior figures at companies, organizations and governments It can be installed on conventional mobile devices and used with commercial operator networks to transmit encrypted data ...
    4 March 2015 - Spain
  9. The consortium led by Indra completes the first phase of Coruña Smart City with the launch of the urban platform's operations

    The city's "brain" has already begun receiving data from the Town Council's Data Processing Center from the first pilot projects The Coruña Smart City portal, Open Data portal, the electronic headquarters and mobile applications for ev ...
    2 March 2015 - Spain
  10. Indra revenue grew 5% in 2014

    Revenue in local currency terms grew in all vertical markets, while the order backlog expanded to €3,473 million, with order intake in AMEA and Latam showing double-digit growth Recurring operating margin stood at 6.9% and free cash flow generation at €47 ...
    27 February 2015 - Spain