News finder

  1. Indra completes the development of a state-of-the-art CBRN recognition vehicle

    Equipped with a complete system for detecting and analysing chemical biological radiological and nuclear agents Offers a secure work area so the scientific team can travel to the contaminated zone Conceived to address the needs of civil protection and def ...
    14 March 2013 - Spain
  2. Indra is developing a system for locating people that monitors vital signs

    The solution will improve the safety of Security Forces and professionals who carry out risky activities A wrist carries the high-precision locator--for indoor and outdoor use--and the sensors that detect the person's condition and stress level  This ...
    12 March 2013 - Spain
  3. The most international edition of the Indra Future Minds Competition for university students begins

    Indra has organised the third edition of this competition, which is based on new technologies and multiculturalism, to allow students to face the current challenges of the business world Students from 11 countries will represent their universities and col ...
    11 March 2013 - Spain
  4. Indra will present its most advanced security solutions at Homsec

    The company will exhibit its unmanned aerial aircraft, emergency management systems and NRBQe systems Likewise, the company will participate in professional forums to analyse the latest advances in cybersecurity, C4ISR, simulation, logistic systems and sm ...
    4 March 2013 - Spain
  5. Indra's sales up 9% in 2012, driven by international markets

    Revenues from international markets are up 45% – 25% stripping out acquisitions – offsetting the 18% fall in revenues from the Spanish market Order intake rose 7% to €3,193m Recurrent EBIT stands at 8.5%, in the middle of the target range announced at the ...
    28 February 2013 - Spain
  6. Indra designs integral strategic plan to consolidate Gijón as a Smart City

    The consulting and technology multinational has just finished its assessment to be used as a blueprint for developing smart city services Promoting the citizen card, comprehensive management of public assets and efficient dynamic management of public ligh ...
    26 February 2013 - Spain
  7. Indra consolidates its cloud offer with the creation of the "In Cloud" unit

    The new division has gathered the company's strengths to launch an "end-to-end" proposal that combines solutions and services that can be adapted to the business models of its clients One of the main objectives of this initiative is the Sof ...
    21 February 2013 - Spain
  8. Indra develops the first high-resolution passive radar system

      The company has successfully led this project sponsored by the European Defence Agency Its applications include the surveillance of the airspace, frontiers, maritime traffic control and the protection of infrastructures Such an achievement places Indra ...
    7 February 2013 - Spain
  9. Stub

     Researchers from the Technical University of Madrid's School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSIT) have designed a connected television platform The platform, developed within the framework of the Indra-Adecco Foundation Chair of Accessible Tech ...
    21 November 2012 - Spain
  10. Latin America accounts for 25% of Indra's sales

    The company has grown twelvefold in the region in the last six years and half of its international sales are from this area Brazil is the multinational's second largest market after Spain 14,000 of Indra's 42,000 professionals work in Latin Amer ...
    16 November 2012 - Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Panama, Colombia, Mexico, Peru