News finder

  1. Indra renews the Automatic Border Control system for Barajas and el Prat

    The solution identifies passengers through dual biometric verification--facial and fingerprint imaging The new version is faster and more precise, and offers Police the possibility of managing all the systems in a centralised manner Since its implementati ...
    24 September 2012 - Spain
  2. Accurate Mobile Indoor Positioning Industry Alliance, called In-Location, to promote deployment of location-based indoor services and solutions

    Espoo, Finland- The In-Location Alliance was launched today by 22 companies across industries to drive innovation and market adoption of high accuracy indoor positioning and related services. Accurate indoor positioning opens up plenty of possibilities fo ...
    23 August 2012 - Spain, Finland
  3. Internationalisation and Innovation, an opportunity for the spanish economy

    The event, inaugurated by the Forum's president, Francisco Marín, was adjourned by Carmen Vela, Secretary of State for Innovation, and Emma Fernández, Indra's Executive Vice President Pari Patel, a senior research fellow for the Science Policy R ...
    4 July 2012 - Spain
  4. A customised eAvatar, a virtual guide dog and drones for long-distance visual control: winning ideas of "think innovation"

    Indra's head offices hosted the awards ceremony, officiated by the Secretary General for Science, Technology and Innovation, Román Arjona together with Indra's COO Javier de Andrés To promote the winning ideas, Indra will draft a business plan f ...
    13 June 2012 - Spain
  5. Indra to present its army solutions at Eurosatory

    The company will attend the Paris event as the leader in the development of helicopter simulators for airmobile forces Satellite communications, electronic defence, air defence systems, and CBRNe solutions complete its range The company's stand will ...
    8 June 2012 - Spain, France
  6. Indra implements ITS Intelligent Traffic and Toll Management Technology in Mexico's Guadalajara-Tepic Motorways for €17 Million

      The Mexican concessionaire Ideal has awarded the IT multinational the systems for the "South Pacific Package," consisting of the Guadalajara-Tepic motorways and the beltways of both cities   Indra reinforces its solid presence in Mexico's ...
    22 May 2012 - Spain, Mexico
  7. Indra to startup an International Aeronautics Training Centre near to El Prat airport

    The new centre will be equipped to train any airline crew The facilities will start operating with an Airbus 320 simulator and will grow progressively Indra is among the leading companies in simulation worlwide Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a ...
    27 January 2012 - Spain
  8. Indra tries in Madrid and Seville space technology to detect heat islands

    Indra has confirmed the benefits of satellite images to study the urban climate Thermograms point out the urban areas more affected by the heat and help town councils improve their environmental policies The project, financed by the European Space Agency ...
    6 October 2011 - Spain
  9. Indra awarded the family-responsible company certificate again and gains “proactive” status

    The efr certificate awarded by the +Familia Foundation acknowledges Indra’s commitment to conciliation, equality and diversity management and to continuous improvement in this aspect Special consideration was given to Indra’s involvement in the management ...
    28 September 2011 - Spain
  10. Stub

    Today Indra and Adecco Foundation will sign the agreement for the creation of the fifth Chair started up in Spain to promote access to technology and labour inclusion of people with disabilities The first R&D+i project of the Chair aims to develop new ...
    30 May 2011 - Spain