News finder

  1. Indra and startup Finect reach an agreement to enhance their innovative open banking solutions

    The operation, which involves Indra taking a stake in Finect, has been signed through Indraventures, Indra's corporate vehicle to strengthen its relationship with the entrepreneurial ecosystem, channeling and financing initiatives that accelerate inn ...
    19 November 2018 - Spain
  2. Indra to improve safety at Riga International Airport with video camera surveillance

    Latvijas Gaisa Satiksme (LGS) has awarded Indra’s Norwegian subsidiary, Indra Navia AS, a contract to improve traffic control at Riga International Airport with a video camera surveillance system. The existing Indra InNOVA A-SMGCS in the airport tower wil ...
    15 November 2018 - Latvia
  3. Minsait helps cities predict tourist influxes to adapt services and increase sector income by more than 5%

    This solution includes other services such as tracking and digital interaction with visitors, as well as advanced analysis of behavior and spending patterns to adapt the offer and help improve the tourist experience Minsait already has outstanding experie ...
    13 November 2018 - Spain
  4. Minsait amplia oferta de inteligência e segurança de redes com a Allot

    Aliança entre as empresas visa suprir a crescente demanda do mercado de telecomunicações brasileiro por dados analíticos com foco em resultados financeiros A Minsait é líder em tecnologias para o setor de telecomunicações e atualmente mais de 500 milhões ...
    13 November 2018 - Brazil
  5. Minsait e Pambianco, siglata partnership per la digitalizzazione delle aziende italiane del settore fashion e design

    La nuova proposta permette di combinare le soluzioni innovative di Minsait con l'esperienza e le conoscenze del settore maturate da Pambianco L’accordo prende il via il 14 novembre a Milano durante la 23° edizione del Fashion Summit Minsait, società ...
    13 November 2018 - Italy
  6. Indra develops a new generation of key solutions for Adif that will improve the planning and management of trains

    Indra is responsible for the new Sitra+ de Adif traffic control and management system for the entire Spanish rail network, having been awarded a JV contract with Siemens Mobility, which will develop the automatic traffic enumerator / router that will be i ...
    12 November 2018 - Spain
  7. Indra increased its order intake, revenues and backlog and improved its profitability in 9M18

      9M18 order intake kept growing in local currency (+8%) above revenues (+6%) Backlog surpassed €4bn and went up by +9% Revenues up +6% in local currency in 9M18. Transport increased revenues by +42% in 3Q18 9M18 EBITDA reached €183m and grew by +7%. EBIT ...
    7 November 2018 - Spain
  8. Cartão de crédito: faturas mais simples podem fortalecer a educação financeira do consumidor, aponta Minsait

    Pesquisa realizada pela consultoria a pedido da ABECS e Banco Central mostra que a maneira como as informações estão distribuídas na fatura, incluindo dados sobre taxas e porcentagens, podem confundir o consumidor no momento do pagamento da fatura   Usar ...
    7 November 2018 - Brazil
  9. Indra improves the operation and maintenance of high-speed rail and road traffic systems with big data and artificial intelligence

    The company has rolled out a new module for the integration, analysis and modeling of data in its proprietary control solutions, Mova Traffic, as part of the European R&D+i project "Transforming Transport", in which Indra leads the work of 4 ...
    6 November 2018 - Spain
  10. Indra raggruppa il business it sotto il brand Minsait per puntare sulla digital transformation delle aziende italiane

    La società unifica le proprie attività nell’ambito delle Information Technologies per cogliere il forte potenziale di crescita di questo mercato e per chiudere il 2018 con oltre 1000 professionisti nel Paese Minsait, leader in Trasformazione Digitale e In ...
    29 October 2018 - Italy