News finder

  1. Elettronica Group and Indra work towards first European Quantum Cascade Laser based Infrared Counter Measure System dubbed EuroDIRQM

    Both companies work together to deliver a next generation fully European self-protection solution to defend any type of aircraft from heat guided missiles They have successfully completed last march first operational ground tests with this new system Quan ...
    6 June 2018 - Spain
  2. Aviation industry demostrate SESAR solution for seamless air traffic management across europe

    It allows control centres across Europe to exchange up-to-date and consistent flight information, a cornerstone to the Single European Sky project and key to enhancing efficiency in air traffic management A demonstration which was conducted simultaneously ...
    5 June 2018 - Spain
  3. Indra brings the new smart and secure IoT generation to the railroad sector

    Indra is working on innovating wireless communication-based solutions to interconnect infrastructure and train devices with control centers and cloud platforms for the streamlined and straightforward deployment of new services using DevOps These solutions ...
    5 June 2018 - Spain
  4. Minsait helps Fergus Hotels so its customers have improved travel experiences

    The hotel chain's new platform allows greater interaction with its guests and offers them an omnichannel service The system responds to the needs of current travelers who, beyond requiring accommodation and positive attention from the establishments, ...
    4 June 2018 - Spain
  5. iTEC Alliance collaboration extended to further support the Single European Sky implementation

    Air Navigation Service Providers from seven European countries are working together to achieve smoother and more efficient air traffic management through the joint procurement and development of an advanced state-of-the-art air traffic management system, ...
    1 June 2018 - Spain
  6. Indra’s solution successfully completes first simulation test to control three airports simultaneously from a remote position

    This is the first step within SESAR towards a remote tower solution for controlling multiple airports, improving regional mobility in Europe While single remote tower control revolutionary concept has already been deployed, the greater impact in terms of ...
    28 May 2018 - Norway
  7. Travelers of the future will buy their trips and manage all associated services on one digital platform, according to Minsait

    Through its digital transformation unit, Indra pointed out that emerging technologies will be key for things like transport multimodality or bookings in a single click to be common in the tourism sector The company also mentioned other sectors such as the ...
    24 May 2018 - Spain
  8. Minsait Showcases its Blue Team, Specialized in tracking down Cyber-Incidents to multiply Cybersecurity at companies and organizations

    By analyzing the behavior of company systems and the use that professionals make of them in real time, the team can detect any suspicious situation. The use of 'decoys' helps the team study and understand how attackers work The analysis is based ...
    23 May 2018 - Spain
  9. Silviano Andreu, Director of Minsait: “Companies have a clear idea of the transformation roadmap, but the actual complexity lies in execution”

    The opening day of the DES also included the opinions of other Minsait experts in areas such as connectivity, Smart Cities and Industry 4.0   Silviano Andreu, Head of Minsait, Indra's business unit responsible for providing a response to digital tran ...
    22 May 2018 - Spain
  10. Indra points the way to the new revolution in smart defense support: aircraft that diagnose their own ‘health’ and get ready for their next mission

    The fourth industrial revolution has reached armed forces worldwide, which are rapidly transforming their logistical processes to embrace Support 4.0 The cost of maintaining platforms and systems is much higher than the acquisition cost, and this is there ...
    21 May 2018 - Spain