News finder

  1. Airbus Helicopters’ EC175 full-flight simulator is ready for service

    Marignane, 8 July 2014 – The first Level D full-flight simulator for Airbus Helicopters’ EC175 rotorcraft has received airworthiness certification from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), enabling launch pilots to be trained with this high-fidelit ...
    9 July 2014 - France
  2. Málaga airport starts using the Indra biometric system to automate border control

      The Spanish Secretary of State for Security, Francisco Martínez, inaugurated the system yesterday, which will be part of the future smart border network The solution is going into service after the success achieved in the pilot projects implemented with ...
    2 July 2014 - Spain
  3. Indra joins the Swan Forum, driving the development of Smart Technology for Water Networks

    The Smart Water Networks Forum, SWAN, brings together water utilities, technology provider, experts and leading industry operators from around the world   The consulting and technology multinational has deep expertise in service provision and deploying co ...
    1 July 2014 - Spain
  4. Indra wins AECA Award for Business Transparency

    The multinational has won the prize in the category for companies listed on the Ibex 35 Index for the quality and accessibility of the general, financial, sustainability and corporate governance information published on its website The Business Transparen ...
    23 June 2014 - Spain
  5. Indra to lead abc4eu, the european project that will enhance automated border control systems

    15 partners from 8 countries will work together to harmonize these systems, that have been deployed in the main European airports The aim is to integrate and improve current Automated Border Control Gates and extend their use to passenger from non EU coun ...
    18 June 2014 - Spain
  6. Indra is committed to the food and beverage industry through innovation as a strategic partner

    Indra has signed an agreement as a strategic partner within the Strategic Framework for the Food and Beverage Industry, through which it will identify synergies between its own initiatives and those of the project in order to boost the sector To this end, ...
    17 June 2014 - Spain
  7. Indra is awarded a €57MN contract on the Algeria East-West higway

    Indra will deploy its intelligent traffic systems (ITS) and toll systems on 380 kilometers of the highway, as well as providing maintenance services for three years This is a pioneering project in Algeria, positioning Indra as a leading service provider i ...
    17 June 2014 - Algeria
  8. Indra deploys the first certified helicopter simulator in Japan

    The simulator was granted level C certification from the Japanese Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) The EC135 helicopter is used for emergency medical service and police missions, as well as transport and operations flights for offshore platforms and other ser ...
    16 June 2014
  9. Indra leads the european Decamanus project seeking to provide ciities with geoespatial intelligence

    The multinational is coordinating R&D operations at 11 companies across 8 countries to develop new geospatial data services Antwerp, Helsinki, London, Madrid and Milan will all be taking part in the initiative as end users The project will use data ga ...
    11 June 2014 - Spain
  10. Indra leads the european Decamanus project seeking to provide ciities with geoespatial intelligence

    The multinational is coordinating R&D operations at 11 companies across 8 countries to develop new geospatial data services Antwerp, Helsinki, London, Madrid and Milan will all be taking part in the initiative as end users The project will use data ga ...
    11 June 2014 - Spain