5 Maio 2022Espanha
  • Mataix spoke at the launch of SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking, as Indra holds the Chair of the ASD ATM Committee. SESAR 3 JU accelerates the delivery of the European Digital Sky, which is now in a phase endowed with 1.6 billion euros, focusing on achieving a more digital, connected, accessible and environmentally-friendly air traffic management (ATM) 
  • Indra’s CEO advocated for continuing the “spirit of partnership” of the alliance and for working together towards interoperability to “overcoming the fragmentation that has blighted Europe’s aviation and ATM landscape in the past”
  • He underlined that Europe relies on a solid and consolidated industry, with a promising future thanks to its strong commitment to innovation
Ignacio Mataix, CEO Indra

Indra’s CEO, Ignacio Mataix, declared last Thursday during the official launch of SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking that “public-private collaboration has undeniably been a key element in turning Europe into a world reference for air traffic management" and that  “it is time to take advantage of the opportunities digitalisation offers and contribute to the firm commitment of Europe to boost sustainability and environmental protection.”

Mataix spoke on behalf of the European Air Traffic Management (ATM) industry, as Indra holds the Chair of the ASD (AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe) ATM Committee, at the official presentation of SESAR 3. Indra is one of the founding members of the new partnership and its large-scale programme of innovation, which, endowed with a budget of over 1.6 billion euros until 2030, aims at boosting a more digital, sustainable, connected and accessible European Digital Sky for all users of the airspace.

The event, celebrated in Brussels, was opened by the Director-General for Mobility and Transport, Henrik Hololei and the President of the Committee of Transport and Tourism, Karima Delli.

Following the interventions of the President of the SESAR 3 JU States’ Representatives Group, Anne-Marie Ragnarsson, and the Director General of EUROCONTROL, Eamonn Brennan, Indra’s CEO took the floor to contribute the industry’s view in the framework of an initiative that brings together the European Commission, EUROCONTROL, and over 50 organizations from all over the continent, working together to modernize the European air traffic management.

Mataix emphasized that Europe relies upon a solid and consolidated industry “which has achieved significant successes, but is also ambitious, with a long way to go and a promising future, thanks to its strong commitment to innovation.”

He highlighted that the modernization of the sector “cannot be done in isolation and requires the participation of all aviation professionals, working together.” He advocated for boosting this spirit of partnership, for progressing towards a new sky architecture that will optimize the management of the airspace, “working together through the SESAR 3 JU and the Digital European Sky towards full interoperability, overcoming the fragmentation that has blighted Europe’s aviation and ATM landscape in the past.”

“Indra, as an engineering technology company and partner for the digitalization of the sector, is one of the founding members that has been involved with SESAR since the very start. I have therefore been able to observe the commitment, the energy and the determination of all SESAR partners to develop new, relevant and transforming solutions that have real potential to boost Europe’s ATM performance,” said Indra’s CEO.

A more open and mature programme

The SESAR research and innovation programme has gone through different stages. The first two focused on laying the grounds for the European Single Sky and on elaborating the European ATM Master Plan. SESAR 3 JU broadens the partnership opportunities through exploratory and industry research. Moreover, it brings fast track innovation uptake initiatives, and new digital sky demonstrators to continue with the Master Plan, with an approach focused on results and implementation. 

At this stage, the incorporation of new founding members has widened the SESAR 3 JU consortium to cover the entire value chain of the air traffic management, from aircraft and drones manufacturing and management to the development of technologies and systems. We now strive to evolve the European aviation infrastructure to the digital era, ensuring immediate achievements to enhance the efficiency, capacity, safety and sustainability of the industry.

Indra is a global leading company of engineering technology for the aerospace, defence and mobility sectors. It is the technology partner for digitalization and key operations of its customers worldwide. Its teams of experts, its vast knowledge of the industry and latest technologies, as well as its leadership in large-scale programmes and European projects of innovation, designing the next generation of technology solutions, make possible to present a competitive offer and to lead unique highly demanding projects that will transform the future of these sectors worldwide in the coming years.


About Indra

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and the technological partner for core business operations of its customers worldwide. It is a world-leader in providing proprietary solutions in specific segments in Transport and Defence markets, and a leading firm in Digital Transformation and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America through its affiliate Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with a high-value, end-to-end focus and with a high innovation component. In the 2021 financial year, Indra achieved revenue of €3.390 billion, with over 52,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.

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