R&D&i projects result of a clear vision, ongoing effort and global combination of talent. Our "innodiversity": ability to respond to clients' diversity, existing technologies and geographical markets entails dominating a great amount of technologies that evolve at great speed and that are applied across many sectors.

This search tool offers a broad sample of our results.

(*) Select this filter to retrieve projects that are aligned with one of the ONU Sustainable Development Goals.

Project Financed by Section
POSTDATA: Poetry Standardization and Linked Open Data European Commission Public Administration
IN4WOOD: Industry 4.0 for Wood and Furniture Manufacturers European Commission Industry Digital Consultoría
SENSIBLE: Storage ENabled SustaInable Energy for BuiLdings and communitiEs European Commission Energía
HARMONY: Viability Analysis on the harmonization of common data type categories for the road & public transport network European Commission Transport and traffic Tráfico vial
FR8HUB: Real-time information applications and energy efficient solutions for rail freight European Commission Smart Mobility Transport and traffic Tráfico vial
X2RAIL-2 Enhancing Railway Signaling Systems European Commission Transport and traffic Tráfico vial
IMPACT-2 Indicator Monitoring for a new Railway Paradigm European Commission Transport and traffic Tráfico vial
UPSET A320 NEO: Loss of control in flight simulation applied to A320 NEO aircraft MINETUR - Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism Simulation
BeCamGreen: a solution to reduce the number of single-occupancy car trips and improve circulation European Commission EIT Digital Transport and traffic Tráfico vial
ROMEO: Reliable O&M decision tools and strategies for high LCoE reduction on Offshore wind European Commission Energía