R&D&i projects result of a clear vision, ongoing effort and global combination of talent. Our "innodiversity": ability to respond to clients' diversity, existing technologies and geographical markets entails dominating a great amount of technologies that evolve at great speed and that are applied across many sectors.

This search tool offers a broad sample of our results.

(*) Select this filter to retrieve projects that are aligned with one of the ONU Sustainable Development Goals.

Project Financed by Section
CPSELabs: CPS Engineering Labs expediting and accelerating the realization of cyber-physical systems European Commission Public Administration
PRESERBA: PRototype of a securE and low coSt receivER for unmanned Vehicles (UAVs) Applications CDTI - Spanish Centre for Industrial Technological Development Security
Mode S Cluster Operation MINETUR - Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism Security
CyberRoad: Development of the CYBER crime and CYBER terrorism research ROADmap Cyberdefence Security
READY: near-REal time Analytical Dashboard in-memorY MINETUR - Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism Security Analytics
NOTTS: Next generation Over-The-Top multimedia Services CDTI - Spanish Centre for Industrial Technological Development Telecom
DECUMANUS: Development and consolidation of sustainable geo-spatial services for adaptation to climate change related environmental urban impacts. European Commission Space Security
SATCOM NAVAL TERMINAL TNM-180D: SATCOM Naval Terminal for Simultaneous X/Ka Band Operation CDTI - Spanish Centre for Industrial Technological Development Security
SAN (Survivable Ad Hoc Network for 4G and beyond) MINETUR - Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism Defense Security
MobiWallet: Mobility and Transport Digital Wallet European Commission Smart Mobility Subway technology