R&D&i projects result of a clear vision, ongoing effort and global combination of talent. Our "innodiversity": ability to respond to clients' diversity, existing technologies and geographical markets entails dominating a great amount of technologies that evolve at great speed and that are applied across many sectors.

This search tool offers a broad sample of our results.

(*) Select this filter to retrieve projects that are aligned with one of the ONU Sustainable Development Goals.

Project Financed by Section
ADAPTA: Tecnologías para la personalización y la interacción de contenidos digitales CDTI - Spanish Centre for Industrial Technological Development Security
SINTONIA (SIstemas No Tripulados Orientados al Nulo Impacto Ambiental) CDTI - Spanish Centre for Industrial Technological Development Defense Security
FOTsis (European Field Operational Test on Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Road Operation) Security Tráfico vial
LITERACY- onLIne porTal for E-learning and suppoRting sociAl inClusion of people with dYslexia Public Administration Security
FERROSMARTGRID- Desarrollo de la primera red inteligente para la gestión energética del sector ferroviario CDTI - Spanish Centre for Industrial Technological Development Energía Security Rail traffic
CELTIC- Conocimiento Estratégico Liderado por Tecnologías para la Inteligencia Competitiva CDTI - Spanish Centre for Industrial Technological Development Industry Security
HispaRob- Spanish Robotics Technology Platform MINECO - Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Defense Security
SO4AMI- Infrastructures and architectures for the integration of Smart Metering into a responsible and efficient consumption managing. SPRI - Basque Government Energía Security
AIRBEAM- AIRborne information for Emergency situation Awareness and Monitoring Platforms Defense Security