19 July 2010Chile
  • Chile’s Civil Registry and Identification Service chose Indra after rating the company’s proposal the best, taking into consideration technical and economic aspects and broad experience in identification
  • The new documents will facilitate electronic administration services besides increasing security in identification and e-commerce
  • This is the most important reference in Latin America regarding electronic identity cards and biometrics which consolidates Indra’s leadership in the security market worldwide


All necessary components for the management of the electronic documents will be supplied by Indra, ranging from the software for the issuing of the documents to the provision of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and a customised biometric solution based on finger print and facial recognition.

Indra will also be responsible for the citizen care system, the systems and services to third parties, exploitation and support and maintenance of all the systems for the 10 years of the contract.

Avant garde technology

The project will be supported with avant-garde electronic identification and biometric technology. The new cards will be equipped with a microchip to achieve higher security levels and better performance oriented to citizens. It will include digital certificates for the electronic signature and authentication which will be the core of the electronic administration. As an exclusive feature, among other proposals, is the inclusion of a colour photo treated with chemical layers and cutting edge security measures which guarantee 10-year durability.

The Chilean electronic passport will be at the same level as the most advanced countries’ thanks to security based on biometrics and the microchip. Besides reaching higher levels of security, the solution will facilitate worldwide interoperability in document authentication and verification of issuing.

The safe conduct to cross the Arica-Tacna border, the identification card and the software obtained the highest technical score by the customer. The software includes management, the back office systems, customer care, blocking of documents and information management

The new documents will be ready by 2012

During the first phase, Indra will implement the new technology, deliver the new documents and fit out 100 offices which receive the 80% of the requests of the identity card; among them, 60 offices which manage 100% of passport requests and the five offices which issue the safe conduct to cross the Arica border.

Indra will carry out the necessary tests in three offices, where the works are concluded, in Santiago, Valparaiso and Rancagua.

The second phase includes fitting out the remaining 426 offices in a year and the operation, exploitation and systems maintenance from 2012 on and for the rest of the period as stated in the contract.

Benefits for the citizens

Electronic identification not only certifies a person’s identification but also increases security in the process which promotes Information Society.

Chile’s citizens will benefit in terms of procedures and in access to advanced services provided by the electronic Administration, in a more economical, faster and eco-friendlier way. The electronic signature will help prevent fraud and increase security in transactions in internet, thus improving users’ trust.

Higher security of the new documents, which allows verification of the individual’s biometrics information in real time, is a key factor for the Security Corps in the struggle against crime. It facilitates interoperability with digital identification projects internationally, for instance; border fast passes are based on electronic documents and biometric identification.

Broad experience in electronic identification

Besides avant-garde technology, Indra will contribute its broad experience in the development and implementation of electronic identification systems and biometric solutions with references such as the electronic DNI and passport in Spain -one of the most ambitious and innovative experiences in the sector; the issuing of the passport, visa and resident card in Portugal, the passport in Angola and Mexico, and the passport of Panama Maritime Authority which manages the world’s largest fleet.

Indra is strongly present in Latin America with more than 6,000 employees. In Chile, the company has been present since1995 and is one of the three main IT companies in terms of turnover.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the first European company in its sector according to investment in R&D and is the second Spanish company in absolute value investments in R&D. In 2009 revenues reached € 2,513 M of which a 40% came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

