News finder

  1. Indra will deploy its cutting-edge technology in Mecca-Medina high speed line in €440M deal

    The company will provide, among other technologies, the management, telecommunications, ticketing and security systems for what will be the longest railway line in Saudi Arabia, which will extend 450 km and have a capacity of 160,000 passengers daily. The ...
    26 October 2011 - Saudi Arabia
  2. Indra tries in Madrid and Seville space technology to detect heat islands

    Indra has confirmed the benefits of satellite images to study the urban climate Thermograms point out the urban areas more affected by the heat and help town councils improve their environmental policies The project, financed by the European Space Agency ...
    6 October 2011 - Spain
  3. Indra awarded the family-responsible company certificate again and gains “proactive” status

    The efr certificate awarded by the +Familia Foundation acknowledges Indra’s commitment to conciliation, equality and diversity management and to continuous improvement in this aspect Special consideration was given to Indra’s involvement in the management ...
    28 September 2011 - Spain
  4. Indra to modernize eastern Australia en-route Air Traffic Management

    Indra will deliver Mode S secondary radar systems, the most advanced technology of aircraft detection and identification The Company is one of Airservices Australia's key technology providers This contract is another step forward in Indra's stra ...
    11 July 2011 - Australia
  5. Indra will exhibit at Le Bourget Paris air show embarked systems on latest-generation aircraft

    The company will exhibit electronic defence systems whose implementations are currently underway in the A400M aircrafts of 6 countries, among other platforms  It will unveil its radar systems currently in service in the five continents either for defence ...
    1 June 2011
  6. Stub

    Today Indra and Adecco Foundation will sign the agreement for the creation of the fifth Chair started up in Spain to promote access to technology and labour inclusion of people with disabilities The first R&D+i project of the Chair aims to develop new ...
    30 May 2011 - Spain
  7. The 2010-2011 Antarctic Campaign employs Indra's cutting edge safety technology

    The IT multinational has provided the mission with its Man overboard location and follow-up systems to facilitate maritime search and rescue These systems are highly resistant and include features such as GPS positioning, customised information, light ind ...
    28 March 2011
  8. A Indra lança concurso universitário internacional Future Minds Competition, baseado nas novas tecnologias e na multi culturalidade

    Estudantes espanhóis, argentinos, brasileiros, chilenos, colombianos e mexicanos procedentes de diferentes universidades irão colaborar e concorrer para alcançar o prêmio final, um contrato com a multinacional de TI As equipes participantes terão que reso ...
    16 March 2011 - Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico
  9. Take-off for the world’s first 4D flight

    Only two and a half years into active SESAR development work, today the first initial four dimensional (I-4D) trajectory flight successfully took place. Thanks to the complementary expertise of the involved SESAR members (Airbus, Eurocontrol, Honeywell, I ...
    10 February 2011 - Spain
  10. “La televisión híbrida ofrece enormes posibilidades para la integración de las personas con discapacidad"

    Ésta ha sido una de las principales conclusiones de la jornada “La televisión como herramienta de integración”, celebrada hoy en el marco de la Cátedra de Tecnologías Accesibles Indra-Fundación Adecco de la UPM. La convergencia del mundo audiovisual e Int ...
    17 January 2011 - Spain