News finder

  1. Germany to implement Indra's satellite communications system in two U-212 submarines

    This country will also incorporate Indra's terminals on two frigates On the other hand, Brazil acquired several satellite communications systems of the company The total amount of the contracts exceed € 6 M Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and ...
    1 October 2009 - Germany
  2. Indra enters Haiti to modernize the management of the country's electricity company

    The IT company’s systems will facilitate the integration of all the commercial processes of Electricité d’Haití and will speed up detection of incidents in the network The IT multinational has exported its Utilities management solutions to more than 130 c ...
    23 September 2009 - Haití
  3. Indra and Avánzit awarded the implementation of the wireless communications system in several airports managed by AENA

    The temporary consortium will supply, implement and startup the WiFi system in twenty four Spanish airports The turnkey project includes a cutting-edge centralised WiFi network solution with the strictest levels of stability, security, availability and pe ...
    3 September 2009 - Spain
  4. Oslo hires Indra´s "e-counting" technology again for the 2009 Parliamentary Elections

    This is the fourth electoral process the IT company delivers in Norway using the electronic count solution Indra is the only foreign company which has been commissioned a scrutiny in this country The IT company continues international expansion after deli ...
    26 August 2009 - Norway
  5. Indra to implement an operation management system for Moroccan port communities for € 4M

    The 12 most important ports of the Maghribian country and more than a thousand agents will share the system which will act as a single point of contact Indra-Portel Consortium consolidates as a supplier of this type of platforms with important internation ...
    19 August 2009 - Morocco
  6. Indra to implement its surveillance system of Portugal's coast for euro 25.5 M

      The company’s leadership in border security stretches in the European continent Portugal's Ministry of State and Internal Administration awarded Indra the development and the startup of the command and control surveillance system of the Portuguese ...
    10 August 2009 - Portugal
  7. Mumbai's future monorail and Dehli's new metro line, to be equipped with Indra's technology

    The total of both contracts is around € 6.5 M The company gains leadership in ticketing in Mumbai, where it is already equipping the new metro with its systems   Indra expands its presence in India's ticketing market. The company has been awarded new ...
    6 August 2009 - India
  8. Indra leads two key R&D programs for the development of the European Single Sky

    The budget of the program amounts to € 1.9 billion Indra is one of the most essential European companies within the initiative The company will participate in the four technological segments, key to the future ATM system, and in 99 out of 295 projects The ...
    29 July 2009 - Spain
  9. Indra reports net profit of euro 108M in 1H09

    Revenues grew by 7% and order backlog increased by 6% EBIT margin stood at 11.4% in line with 1H08 figure Matías Amat and Juan March de la Lastra joined the Board of Directors   Indra ended 1H09 with net profit of euro 108m, an increase of 7% yoy matching ...
    29 July 2009 - Spain
  10. Indra leads the first implementation of the Electonic Prescrition in Cantabria

    The pilot, promoted by the Ministry of Industry, has been implemented in Cabezon de la Sal with the involvement of the local health centre and three chemists The prescription will no longer be a requirement to obtain the medicines as the health care card ...
    20 July 2009 - Spain