News finder

  1. Jane’s ATC Awards recognises Indra’s tower technology for third consecutive year

    Indra’s InNOVA intelligent tower solution has been distinguished with the Jane’s ATC Runway Award The award has been given to projects concerning runway safety (“ARSI”, 2019), remote towers (“rTWR”, 2018) and runway status light (“RWSL”, 2017).  It underl ...
    22 March 2019 - Spain
  2. Jorge Arduh, CEO da Indra no Brasil, apresenta o impacto da transformação digital para lideranças em evento em Madri

    Executivo responsável pela companhia no país participará do Foro Brasil Espanha, em que mostrará a importância de que líderes estejam preparados para gerenciar times híbridos, formados por humanos e robôs Evento tem como objetivo a aproximação entre os pa ...
    21 March 2019 - Brazil
  3. Indra provides its air traffic management technology to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, one of the main airspace companies in Asia

    Indra will equip HAL Airport, Bengaluru, with the most advanced technology to strengthen safety and efficiency in air traffic management Indra is the main supplier of air traffic management systems in India: it has equipped more than 38 airports, one of I ...
    19 March 2019 - Spain
  4. Indra is committed to e-Sports to prepare young talent for the challenges of the new digital working environment

    Indra uses video games to train the company's young professionals in areas such as teamwork and communication in what are known as VUCA environments, where volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity are all too common E-Sports also help to &qu ...
    18 March 2019 - Spain
  5. Indra will contribute to the safety of landings at the southernmost airport in the world

    The Company will provide Ushuaia Airport with an ILS (Instrument Landing System) that allows operations in low visibility conditions Indra has deployed ILS in most airports in Argentina, having been awarded in recent years contracts to deliver a total of ...
    15 March 2019 - Spain
  6. The Civil Aeronautic Authority of Panama and Indra install a new control center that doubles the safety and capacity of Air Traffic Management in the country

      This new center makes it possible to split the approach and route control to absorb more traffic and strengthen the position of its airports as a regional hub Controllers will be supported on the next generation Indra Air Automation system to control tr ...
    13 March 2019 - Spain, Panama
  7. Indra y AirMap close a collaboration agreement to strengthen their position in the UTM market

      The companies will provide the digital infrastructure needed to facilitate UAVs safe access to low level airspace Indra and AirMap technologies offer a complementary range of solution that will boost UAVs adoption and help countries leverage all the eco ...
    13 March 2019 - Spain
  8. ENAIRE and Indra strengthen the resilience of the Spanish Air Traffic Management System

    Two large virtual centers located in Madrid and Barcelona provide flight plan data to the six control centers of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands Having two identical virtual data centers increases the security and reaction capacity in the event ...
    12 March 2019 - Spain
  9. Indra launches Air Drones, the most advanced solution for organizing UAV traffic

    Economically developed societies will build highly digitalized and automated spaces in the coming years so that drones can fly safely Having a powerful unmanned traffic management (UTM) infrastructure will be key to benefit from the economic potential of ...
    12 March 2019 - Spain
  10. EUROCONTROL MUAC and Indra, the first to test-run a ready to market ADS-C application that will bolster air traffic safety and efficiency

    This technology, based on a data interchange via datalink, allows air traffic control centres to establish a 'contract' with aircraft to have knowledge of their routes, either periodically, on request or when rerouted The test, with now certifie ...
    12 March 2019 - Spain