News finder

  1. Indra to supply an A330 MRTT simulator to train French Air Force pilots

    Indra’s refueling aircraft simulator enables the coordinated training of pilots and refueling officers  It is a level D simulator that guarantees the highest possible training level Indra has already implemented an A330 MRTT simulator in Seville to train ...
    21 June 2019 - Spain
  2. Indra supports the ideas of its intrapreneurs to make an impact on the industry and society

    Control of cooperative drones, using blockchain to guarantee drugs, and car sharing have been the winning proposals of Innovators 2019, Indra’s intrapreneurship initiative open to its professionals around the world to respond to innovation challenges Duri ...
    20 June 2019 - Spain
  3. Indra confirms conversations to a potential acquisition of a majority shareholding in ITP

    Indra confirms that conversations are being held with Rolls-Royce aimed at exploring the potential acquisition by Indra of a majority shareholding in Industria de Turbo Propulsores, S.A.U. (ITP). Indra has not adopted any decision in this regard and it ca ...
    14 June 2019 - Spain
  4. Minsait, parceiro chave para a digitalização do grande consumo em Portugal

    A empresa da Indra conta com a omnicanalidade e a experiência do cliente para impulsionar a transformação digital deste sector O consumidor está no centro da estratégia de crescimento das grandes empresas, com experiências à sua medida e uma aposta pela u ...
    11 June 2019 - Portugal
  5. Indra enhances military training with the use of virtual reality goggles

    The company has developed an advanced simulator that immerses soldiers in a computer-created environment that enables training with real equipment The first stage is a marksmanship module for air, naval and ground forces platforms, designed to be integrat ...
    31 May 2019 - Spain
  6. Indra simulator and iAltitude train spanish fighter pilots to fly in low oxygen conditions in cockpit

    The pilots are trained to detect the symptoms of hypoxia, a state that can cause loss of consciousness This pioneering system increases their resilience and gives them a competitive advantage over pilots who have not received this training The simulator r ...
    30 May 2019 - Spain
  7. Indra develops a virtual assistant for defense systems maintenance based on augmented reality glasses

    This assistant grants access to all the information about the system or platform that is being repaired and displays it through holograms   It enables requests for remote assistance from experts to be made and to share the view with them in order to work ...
    29 May 2019 - Spain
  8. The space surveillance radar that Indra is developing will be able to protect the military satellites from possible attacks

    The radar will be capable of detecting the approach of hostile satellites that attempt to damage, interfere with or spy on space military assets  It will also monitor the position of spy satellites of other powers and follow the trajectory of ballistic mi ...
    29 May 2019 - Spain
  9. Indra’s anti-drone shield and air defense systems, a comprehensive solution against any type of threat

    Indra’s ARMS system is capable of cross-referencing information with this type of systems, ruling out identified objects to focus only on those that pose a real threat This system has already been acquired by its first military client from Asia after conf ...
    28 May 2019 - Spain
  10. Indra renews its offering in systems and technologies for defense and security to reinforce its leadership

    It is rationalizing its offering to provide clients with solutions and comprehensive end-to-end services in all five areas Defense in the most responsive way, according to the specific demands of each one of them  The company has the critical mass, innova ...
    28 May 2019 - Spain