News finder

  1. Indra puts into operation a new control tower at Muscat International Airport

    The airport has begun operating as a dual runway facility using Indra systems, thus tripling its capacity Air traffic controllers will be able to handle one flight every two minutes In June Indra finalized deployment of a route control center, which overs ...
    14 January 2015 - Oman
  2. Indra signs the biggest ticketing contract in the world in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) for €266M

    The multinational is to implement its contactless ticketing systems, and its access control and cell phone payment solutions in the new public transportation system currently under construction in the capital of Saudi Arabia The project includes the most ...
    13 January 2015 - Saudi Arabia
  3. Indra and Red Ilumno de universidades create a chair for Accessible Technologies

    The objective of the Chair is to carry out research and to develop technologies that provide disabled people with more extensive access to distance higher education Signed in Rio de Janeiro, this is the first Accessible Technologies Chair developed by Ind ...
    8 January 2015 - Brazil
  4. Indra signs a €23MN contract with the Brazilian federal savings bank Caixa Economica to manage contact center services

    Caixa Económica Federal is one of the biggest federal savings banks in Latin America, with more than 70 million clients  The consulting and technology multinational will provide remote multichannel support to the bank's clients  Indra has been a tech ...
    29 December 2014 - Brazil
  5. Indra to implement its instrument landing systems in four Argentinean airports

    With this solution, the airports will be able to work in conditions of low visibility and, as such, increase their availability Indra strengthens its technology partner relationship with the General Directorate of Air Traffic Control, a body governed by t ...
    23 December 2014 - Argentina
  6. La Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Santiago, en Chile, adopta una plataforma de open innovation para impulsar la aportación de ideas a su nuevo plan estratégico

    Hasta el momento, la iniciativa, primera de sus características en Chile, ha permitido canalizar la participación y gestionar de forma ágil la información generada por académicos y funcionarios no docentes iParticipa cubre todas las fases de un proceso de ...
    19 December 2014 - Chile
  7. Indra to modernize air control center in Delhi

    This is one of the four major control centers for the country's en-route flights management The company has already put into operation the Calcutta control center in August Around 80% of India's sky is surveilled by Indra's radars, and 38 a ...
    18 December 2014 - India
  8. Indra will provide a state-of-the-art communications system to the Spanish customs service for € 2.6 M

    The solution will offer VoIP-encoded voice and data transmission over the commercial cellular network Indra will deploy a main control center and 17 regional centers and it will provide terminals for patrol boats, auxiliary ships and vehicles This is an i ...
    17 December 2014 - Spain
  9. Indra signs a partnership agreement with the Mozambique Ministry of Science and Technology

    The multinational will support the training of local talent via professional internships, seeking to enhance the qualifications of recent graduates and providing impetus to the "Technological Mozambique" program Indra, Spain's premier consu ...
    16 December 2014 - Mozambique
  10. Indra modernizes the international trade platform used by EP PETROECUADOR, Ecuador's state Oil & GAS Company

    The multinational will deploy its Allegro solution for EP PETROECUADOR, thus automating and improving efficiency and logistics for the company's oil and refined products transactions EP PETROECUADOR is Ecuador's largest state company and oversee ...
    15 December 2014 - Ecuador