News finder

  1. Indra trials smart walker to help elderly people move

    The company has successfully completed validation testing for the prototype; the trial took place at the care home NuestraSeñora del Carmen in Ciudad Real (Spain) This pilot is part of the European R+D+i project DALi. A walker has been developed including ...
    9 December 2014 - Spain
  2. The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid will develop a system to provide accessibility services through light to people with disabilities

    The project aims to develop an innovative communication system based on a visible LED light capable of incorporating an audio description or subtitled information to help to integrate people with disabilities into the workplace The project is being carrie ...
    2 December 2014 - Spain
  3. Indra will provide and support deployable dual use Airspace Traffic Management Systems for the Australian Air Force valued at more than $50M

    The company will supply three deployable systems that will enhance air surveillance and traffic control capability in international missions The solutions are based on Indra’s mobile LANZA 3D radar and Aircon air traffic control system Indra strengthens i ...
    1 December 2014 - Australia
  4. Indra advocates in Germany for Spain as a Near-shore location for Europe

      The Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Germany and Indra organized a working event in Frankfurt, in which it detailed a Spanish near-shore model for the North and Central European market Its strong tech industry and rapid international growth has s ...
    28 November 2014 - Germany
  5. Indra will help Nepal with the planning of earthquake-caused emergencies

    Copernicus, the European Earth observation program, granted Indra this activation of its emergency service Indra has delivered more than 700 cartographic products that will help to evaluate risks and draw up an action plan for earthquakes The company has ...
    27 November 2014 - Nepal
  6. Indra, member of IIRC's technology initiative aimed at fostering integrated reporting

    Together with five other companies, the multinational will cooperate with the Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) to determine how technology can contribute to the adoption of integrated reporting The end goal is to facilitate business financial and non ...
    27 November 2014 - Spain
  7. Indra develops the new Iberia Express e-Commerce portal

    The new portal is developed using the most innovative technologies to encourage purchase, flight management, ancillaries selling and access to special promotions Indra has pioneered the design and development of e-Commerce portals for some of the main air ...
    26 November 2014 - Spain
  8. World’s First NORMARC 7000 Ultra-Wide ILS Localizer Successfully Flight Commissioned

    The world’s first NORMARC 7000 Ultra-Wide Instrument Landing System Localizer has undergone a successful commissioning flight inspection and stability testing at Zurich Airport in Switzerland It is estimated that this new system can offer a 10-20% increas ...
    21 November 2014 - Switzerland
  9. Indra shows its most innovative solutions for comprehensive management of the energy business at WAPIC (Nigeria)

    The Spanish multinational will attend this key event for the African energy sector, where senior government representatives, leading energy and IT companies and investors will gather Indra's solutions enable efficient management of the energy value c ...
    17 November 2014 - Nigeria
  10. Indra extends its remote rehabilitation system in the cloud to the treatment of lower limbs

    The consulting and technology multinational has just concluded pilot tests of the TRAM project (Remote Audiovisual Motor Rehabilitation) at four benchmark centers in Valladolid, León, Madrid and Toledo The project builds on Toyra (Objective Therapy and Au ...
    17 November 2014 - Spain