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  1. Indra, Spanish National Innovation Award 2020

    imply that Indra dedicates between 5% and 8% of its sales to innovation annually. In its search for ...
    3 November 2020 - Spain
  2. Minsait redesigns its Smart Cities offer to meet the challenges of covid-19

    Citizens, companies and institutions alike are searching for ways to continue their activity amidst ...
    16 April 2020 - Spain
  3. Indra successfully tests the first prototype of European Maritime Operations Center in a multinational military exercise

    drones searched the Mediterranean to detect unmanned speedboats and neutralize the explosives placed on ...
    21 November 2019 - Spain
  4. Minsait and Mirada join forces to revolutionize the content consumption of digital television channels

    intelligent search engine, seamless and intuitive multiscreen integration, audience measurement, interactive ...
    27 November 2018 - Spain
  5. Indra si rafforza in Italia con il team di esperti in digital marketing di softfobia

    Experience, sistemi di content management, strategie di advertising e di Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ...
    22 October 2018 - Italy
  6. Indra brings interoperability to Bogota healthcare centers to centralize patient medical records and improve medical care

    for scheduled medical treatment and rendering a more agile search for open timeslots in each ...
    14 June 2018 - Colombia
  7. Thanks to Indra, Air Europa's customers can now travel to more than 1,000 destinations around the world using their SUMA miles

    Internet mobility and penetration and the change brought about by users in their digital searches, Indra ... converge channels, while providing users with the tools they need to make their searches easier, more ...
    11 June 2018 - Spain
  8. Indra equips the main air traffic control center in Georgia to absorb annual double-digit increases in traffic

    precision. The solution not only detects any conflicts between routes in advance to search for alternatives ...
    8 June 2018 - Georgia
  9. Elettronica Group and Indra work towards first European Quantum Cascade Laser based Infrared Counter Measure System dubbed EuroDIRQM

    helicopters in Combat Search And Rescue configuration as well as operationally demonstrated in a C27J in 2016, ...
    6 June 2018 - Spain
  10. Indra brings the new smart and secure IoT generation to the railroad sector

    facilitate communication between trains and between these and the infrastructure, bringing an extra system to ...
    5 June 2018 - Spain