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  1. Minsait helps Fergus Hotels so its customers have improved travel experiences

    but interact with them in search of differential experiences that turn their experiences into ...
    4 June 2018 - Spain
  2. At Greencities, Indra demonstrates its leadership in the development of solutions for smart cities and territories

    by drivers in search of parking by at least half, thanks to the use of mobile apps connected to the ...
    23 April 2018 - Spain
  3. Indra expands with four new stations the ground segment managing Galileo satellites

    network supports critical services such as search and rescue, emergency response and air, sea and land ... this system, including search and rescue operations at sea, which was one of the first services ...
    14 March 2018 - Spain
  4. Indra digitizes the historical archive of the RACE Foundation, one of Europe's foremost automotive industry archives

    searches for sources and even restore deteriorated originals RACE's historical collection is made up ... project was undertaken with the collaboration of the Hasten Group, which developed the search engine and ... documents for their consultation and dissemination, the search capacity has been streamlined, and other ...
    15 January 2018 - Spain
  5. Indra extends its collaboration with Microsoft to the airline market to improve the use and access to its proprietary cloud solutions

    convergence while also assisting travelers in the search process and providing them with tools to make their ...
    26 October 2017 - Spain
  6. Indra develops world's first simulator for the H145 helicopter, that´s already "flying" at the Airbus training center in Germany

    mission, from search and rescue operations at sea to landings on oil platforms or ships, day or night, and ...
    25 September 2017 - Spain
  7. Indra demonstrates in Vigo its optionally manned vessel, a pioneering development that positions Galicia at the vanguard of this sector in Europe

    management, search and rescue, maritime surveillance, territorial management or environmental control The ... search and rescue missions; surveillance at ports, marine farms and installations; customs control; and ... commercial success. The vessel is prepared to develop maritime search and rescue tasks; fight against fires ...
    19 September 2017 - Spain
  8. Indra works with South African Airways to increase revenues, reduce costs, and improve the offering to its customers by redesigning its website and processes

    Indra's e-Pricing module provides a new concept in price searches and the generation of offers, enabling ...
    28 March 2017
  9. Indra leads the Transforming Transport project, which will use Big Data to improve mobility in Europe

    tremendous pressure on the search for a more efficient and sustainable mobility model. Transforming Transport ...
    21 March 2017
  10. Indra and ITA software by Google sign a QPX reseller agreement

    system for searching airfares and additional services used by a number of airlines in the market, in its ... based on technological upgrading and channel convergence while also assisting travelers in the search ...
    30 November 2016