
Single Control Centre for the tunnels on England's Strategic Road Network


HE is the state company responsible for the operation, maintenance and improvement of the Strategic Road Network (SRN). The SRN consists the main class A roads and dual carriageways, spanning almost 7,000 km; its operation are divided into 13 sub-regions.

Tunnel operations in England traditionally use systems based on "Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition" (SCADA), which are managed individually and in a localised manner. These systems do not make it possible to unify the entire tunnel infrastructure, therefore, Highways England took the decision to embark on a project to centralise its management.

In this way, Indra will implement a unified control centre, enabling the centralized management of the 13 tunnels owned by HE.

Challenges and achievements

Tunnel operation and comprehensive management platform

       13 tunnels

       +20 km on motorways

       +5.200 devices             



Indra's long-distance traffic management platform, which specialises in the integrated control of tunnels, can improve traffic control and increase safety levels, optimising incident management across these critical infrastructures.

The platform includes the configuration of protocols and planning of rules to facilitate the operator's work including new functions to facilitate incident management, monitoring of traffic, control of existing devices and monitoring of the status of equipment and maintenance operations.

In this way, our solution manages the tunnel safety systems, allows the automatic detection of emergencies, automates the response actions and guides operators in their activities. This improves safety, reducing the response time to incidents on roads, coordinating the actions of the devices, and ensuring compliance with the instructions set out in the tunnel safety manual.

Differential value

Centralised management of different tunnels with a single interface


The centralised platform can be used to bring together the control of infrastructures and optimise the coordination and reaction to critical situations, improving the management of incidents, fires and traffic in general, increasing safety.

The platform developed has been configured to implement the HE protocols aimed at handling the operation of its users, following the programmed action instructions; this optimises the management of the tunnels whilst ensuring a higher level of security during the management process.

We form part of the T-TOC system developed by HE for the integrated management of the equipment used on the roads, facilitating stock takes, this facilitates proactive maintenance, improving the efficiency of asset management.

We have also built in the UTMC protocol, an avant-garde system that represents a commitment on the part of the United Kingdom to communication between different traffic management systems; it can be used to compile information about cameras, registration recognition systems and variable message panels in a database, improving traffic.

Scalable, efficient and secure solution

The control centre facilitates remote access from any location, ensuring the continuity of operations. The scalability of the solution offers the option of managing future infrastructures from the control centre.