News finder

  1. Indra will provide the Spanish Navy’s F110 frigates with state-of-the-art sensors, thus increasing its contribution to the construction of frigates to over 325 million euro

    Indra and Navantia have signed a 150-million euro contract to equip these frigates with electronic defence systems and an X-Band surface surveillance radar This new contract complements the one signed by Indra last year to build an antenna for the S-Band ...
    9 July 2020 - Spain
  2. Indra successfully tests its Optionally Piloted Vehicle Targus in a pioneer flight

    Indra will subject this advanced drone to a battery of tests in the non-segregated airspace After the aircraft takes off, the ground control station operates all systems and sensors Indra reaches one of the key milestones of the Civil UAVs Initiative prom ...
    7 July 2020 - Spain
  3. Indra and LFV overcome the barriers of Covid-19 and work to put into operation the radar that will surveil the Baltic

    Indra has remotely trained engineers of the aerial navigation services provider in Sweden to operate and maintain a state-of-the-art 3D radar The specialists from both companies coordinate to optimize and commission the system, within a pioneering collabo ...
    6 July 2020 - Spain
  4. Indra improves navigational safety at 37 airports in India

    The company will contribute to enhanced safety and modernization of India’s airfields by supplying navigational guidance and landing systems to 37 airfields Indra will supply the systems to India’s Ministry of Defense through Tata Power SED, and was award ...
    2 July 2020 - Spain
  5. Minsait introduces a solution to increase sales and client loyalty in the travel and tourism industry after covid-19

    Promo Codes generates promotional codes that can be exchanged for discounts or other services in the event of booking cancellations or delays. This facilitates the company’s gradual return to activity and guarantees incomes This tool also enhances sales i ...
    1 July 2020 - Spain
  6. Indra will accelerate its transformation to respond to the Covid-19 scenario

    “Customers are going to demand different solutions with very high transformational speed and exert more pressure for greater efficiency. In view of this challenge, Indra must extend its transformation so as to provide a streamlined and dynamic response” “ ...
    25 June 2020 - Spain
  7. Indra, the company that will lead the most projects in the construction of European Defence

    It is the leader of three projects out of 16 selected during the first call for the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP)  Its participation in two other projects raises the total projects undertaken to five. These will generate more t ...
    19 June 2020 - Spain
  8. Iarnród Éireann-Irish Rail selects Indra for 32 million euros contract to develop traffic management system for new national train control centre

    Iarnród Éireann-Irish Rail, operator of the Irish rail system, has awarded Indra the contract to develop an advanced traffic management system to control the majority of its network, after a public tender procress Indra will design and install a  highly a ...
    18 June 2020 - Spain
  9. Minsait facilitates the creation of safe, competitive, and sustainable destinations to promote the recovery of tourism

    The company has redesigned its smart tourism range of products and services by developing a comprehensive and exhaustive approach that will boost activity after the pandemic and will have an impact on operations digitalization, safe interaction, dynamic c ...
    17 June 2020 - Spain
  10. Indra moves forward as spain’s industrial coordinator and leader of the four key elements of the FCAS program

    Indra will soon sign the contract that makes the company a co-contractor, together with Airbus Germany and Dassault, of the Concept Study, one of the cornerstones of FCAS, the main European Defence Program and the most ambitious in terms of technology. Si ...
    16 June 2020 - Spain