News finder

  1. Minsait will provide ports with the most advanced technology to reduce the impact of oil spills

    The Indra company will integrate the Vessel Traffic Management System (VTMS) together with Onesait Oil & Gas Environment (formerly HEADS), an unparalleled technology in the world developed jointly with Repsol that already operates in various refinerie ...
    30 April 2020 - Spain
  2. 500 Indra professionals provide logistical support for the armed forces in their fight against covid-19

    Indra’s command and control technology and logistical information systems facilitate the activities of the three branches of the Armed Forces, the Military Emergency Units (UMEs) and the Royal Guard at a moment of extraordinary organizational difficulty I ...
    24 April 2020 - Spain
  3. Bankia and Minsait enable secure registration by video identification in a few minutes and with no need to go to the bank

    Thanks to the solution developed with the Indra company, users can quickly sign up for bank services, from anywhere and at any time, with less exposure to fraud and reducing the use of paper It is a simple fully digital procedure that includes ID or Resid ...
    23 April 2020 - Spain
  4. Minsait redesigns its Smart Cities offer to meet the challenges of covid-19

    Minsait digital solutions are oriented towards the early detection of risks, the coordinated operation of public services, the dynamic management of health resources, the promotion of public-private partnerships through digital tools and the reactivation ...
    16 April 2020 - Spain
  5. Indra and Minsait digitize driving licenses in an app that improves road safety by facilitating notices and procedures

    This digital driving license places the DGT (Directorate-General for Traffic) at the forefront of the world, since it makes it possible to carry out numerous procedures and it will also be valid in law for driving and travelling within the national territ ...
    19 March 2020 - Spain
  6. Minsait is leading the development of PLATOON analytic technologies, the H2020 project that will drive the energy transition

    The main benefits expected from this innovation project are the increase in renewable energy generation availability, a more efficient network with fewer failures, and the reduction of the cost of energy bills  The Indra company will contribute all of its ...
    18 March 2020 - Spain
  7. Indra deploys two more air traffic control centers in Saudi Arabia in record time

    Over half a year ahead of schedule, the company has delivered the en-route and approach control center at Jeddah and the approach control center at Dammam Indra's system places the SANS navigation service provider at the forefront of technology Indra ...
    4 March 2020 - Spain
  8. Indra modernizes Uzbekistan's sky: the gateway to the Silk Road

    Indra modernizes four control centers and will equip one of the country's main international airports with the most advanced technology Indra's systems will allow Uzbekistan to boost tourism and take advantage of their strategic position for the ...
    3 March 2020 - Spain
  9. Indra accelerated its growth in 2019: backlog increased 11% reaching an historic high and profitability improved again, increasing the EBIT 11%

    2019 Order Intake (+7%) grew again above revenue growth (+3%) Backlog up +11%, surpassing the €4.5bn mark at 1.4x revenues, new record for Indra Revenues up +4% in local currency in 2019. Minsait revenues grew +6%. By geographies, America stood out (+12% ...
    27 February 2020 - Spain
  10. Indra revolutionizes air traffic control with an artificial intelligence remote tower

    It utilizes Deep Learning in order to improve safety and efficiency during take-off and landing maneuvers It manages various aerodromes from a single operational center, allowing savings in tower construction and use of up to 50% The new solution incorpor ...
    17 February 2020 - Spain