News finder

  1. Indra enters the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index

    It has been included in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI), an acknowledgment of companies from around the world that stand out in terms of their promotion of equality and the transparency of their information on gender issues Its inclusion in this ...
    21 January 2020 - Spain
  2. Projetos de robotização ganham cada vez mais espaço no mercado brasileiro, afirma Minsait

    Robotic Process Automation ou simplesmente RPA, é utilizada como ponto de partida para desenvolver tecnologias avançadas, como Inteligência Artificial, dentro de companhias em diferentes segmentos Aplicações têm retorno financeiro em média de seis a oito ...
    17 January 2020 - Brazil
  3. Indra chairs the new EUROCAE group that will standard the anti-drone technology that will protect airports around the world

    Since December, Indra’s representative, Jorge Munir El Malek, has headed up the working group that will define the minimum requirements these systems must meet to be implemented in airports and other environments EUROCAE, the leading European body in the ...
    16 January 2020 - Spain
  4. Eduardo Almeida é novo country manager da Indra no Brasil

    Com mais de 25 anos de experiência e trajetória em grandes empresas, Eduardo Almeida assume o comando das operações da Indra no país Brasil é o principal país da América Latina para a Indra, com cerca de 35% das receitas da região e uma planta com mais de ...
    16 January 2020 - Brazil
  5. Indra, Sixtema, and Adantia test the first environmental drone that protects rivers and coastal areas, as part of the UAVs Initiative

    Indra is also working on an unmanned vessel that will have a robotic system to monitor water quality in sea and oceans The UAV, which collects samples and analyzes water quality in real time, will be ready for launch onto the market this year  It is a dro ...
    15 January 2020 - Spain
  6. Indra acquires SIA and creates the leading cybersecurity services firm in Spain and Portugal

    The merger of SIA with Indra’s cybersecurity business has a differential, comprehensive and integrated value added offering with a global presence The joint offer includes services and products such as identity and access management, electronic signatures ...
    8 January 2020 - Spain
  7. Green light for flight tests on Indra’s Targus, one of the largest civil drones in europe

    It is the first time that a 1.25-ton aircraft prepared to fly with and without a pilot has been granted such a permit in Spain Indra complies with deadlines and commitments assumed for one of the key projects of the Civil UAVs Initiative promoted by the X ...
    20 December 2019 - Spain
  8. Indra will participate in the modernization of the AWACS, NATO’s eyes for the most complex missions

    Indra will work on the program to extend the useful life of a strategic aircraft, capable of monitoring more than 310,000 square kilometers on its own AWACS are being prepared to operate and maintain their superiority in the highly digitized scenarios tha ...
    17 December 2019 - Spain
  9. Indra “The FCAS will mean a giant leap in competitiveness across Spanish industry as a whole”

    The program makes the whole sector face the challenge of developing- from the earliest stages- a cluster of dual nature technologies which will reach the market in the upcoming decades Indra, as FCAS coordinator, calls for transparency and cohesion in tac ...
    13 December 2019 - Spain
  10. EnerTIC awards Minsait’s solution to prevent leaks in hydrocarbon and water grids

    Onesait Oil&Gas Sensing significantly reduces the detection and classification times of threats and reduces the losses caused by leaks, accidents or intrusions by 90% and land and air patrols emissions from surveillance work by 75%.  The solution uses ...
    13 December 2019 - Spain