News finder

  1. Indra strengthens the anti-tsunami protection for cities

    Together with the European Space Agency (ESA), it has provided Earth Observation solutions to the authorities of the Indonesian city of Palu, improving its capacity to withstand tsunamis Earth Observation is a powerful development aid tool that supports t ...
    9 October 2019 - Spain
  2. Indra is developing advanced transportation services based on drone technology and artificial intelligence

    The company is heading up the Comp4Drones project, which has 49 partners and a budget of 30 million euros, and which will develop key technologies to provide secure and autonomous drones for complex applications in the fields of transportation, constructi ...
    8 October 2019 - Spain
  3. ACS and Minsait show how the convergence between the IoT and information and operational technology improves the reliability of the electrical power supply system in the USA

    The two companies have put together the most comprehensive offer when it comes to anticipating and reacting to power grid events by means of management solutions integrating the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and advanced data processing and operati ...
    2 October 2019 - United States
  4. Delhi control center starts to operate with Indra’s state-of-the-art system to manage one of the busiest airspaces in Asia

    Indra Air Automation cutting edge system takes control over the more than 40,000 monthly air movements handled by the center and ready it for further growth  This is the second large-scale control center to enter operation with Indra technology. These joi ...
    1 October 2019 - Spain
  5. Indra extends LFV radar network to strengthen air traffic safety and capacity in Sweden

    LFV has recently order Indra a new batch of radars to achieve higher punctuality and secure the use of routes, enhancing the air traffic management They sum up to those contemplated in the framework agreement signed in 2017 between LFV and Indra and follo ...
    30 September 2019 - Spain
  6. Minsait is making advances in the open banking business through the acquisition of the Afterbanks startup

    Afterbanks’ unique technology, which allows banking data to be retrieved and consolidated quickly and payments to be processed, complements Minsait’s advanced offering for the sector and expands the value proposition for financial institutions and other l ...
    27 September 2019 - Spain
  7. The Spanish Forensic Science division streamlines the collection of evidence with a pioneering Indra portable device for ballistics analysis

    It is the first system in the world that identifies gunpowder residues of up to a micrometer (one thousandth of a millimeter) at the scene of a crime or an attack This system will allow key information to be obtained for the investigation at its early sta ...
    25 September 2019 - Spain
  8. Indra, listed in the dow jones world sustainability index for 14 consecutive years

    The company stands out among technology systems companies as the only company in the sector of Software and Services that has been in business uninterruptedly since 2006, despite the increasing requirements and competences to be part of the DJSI World Ind ...
    16 September 2019 - Spain
  9. Indra, key partner of the alliance that will boost European airports' capacity with satellite-based landing systems

    GBAS Alliance will deploy new generation landing systems, known as GBAS, across European Airports, starting this year  The alliance focuses on deploying a critical mass of GBAS ground stations at airports to incentive airlines to equip their aircrafts wit ...
    13 September 2019 - Spain
  10. FTSE4Good Index grants Indra the highest score in good governance and anti corruption measures

    The company’s score rose considerably in terms of anti corruption area by reinforcing its culture of compliance and the mechanisms for eradicating any unethical or irregular behavior This prestigious global sustainability index has for the fourth time rec ...
    9 September 2019 - Spain