News finder

  1. Point of sale digitalisation and multichannel focus, keys for Telcos to compete

      According to a study prepared by Indra's consultancy division, operators must implement selective and digital multichannel mechanisms that are capable of increasing customer satisfaction and minimising total customer attraction costs It is estimate ...
    6 February 2014 - Spain
  2. Indra implements the integral technological management platform of the NH Hotel Group

    The multinational becomes a reference technology partner of one of the most important hotel chains in Europe The solution will offer centralised support to the operation of over 380 hotels in 26 countries in Europe and Latin America     Indra, the leading ...
    3 February 2014 - Spain
  3. FAASA and Indra have signed an agreement for the management and operation of the seilaf simulation centre located in Seville

    SEILAF is an innovative technological platform that provides training, education and research solutions in the field of aeronautical and fire fighting training  FAASA, an aeronautical group, and Indra, a multinational consulting and technology firm, have ...
    21 January 2014 - Spain
  4. Indra offers interactive phone customer service solutions from the cloud

       The multinational has included ADMIRA in its In Cloud catalogue, the company's integrated solution that offers advanced phone and voice technology capabilities to businesses and professionals The cloud version will allow users to define their serv ...
    16 January 2014 - Spain
  5. Indra consolidates its leadership of Mexico's transport & traffic market with fournew projects worth €12.5 Million

    The IT multinational implements its traffic control and toll technology in the Paquete Michoacán motorways, the Poetas fast lane, the Celaya ring road and the Necaxa-Tihuatlan tunnels Indra strengthens its solid presence in Mexico's Transport and Tra ...
    19 December 2013 - Mexico
  6. Indra wins a contract to re-engineer Ence's business processes

    The project covers Ence's three businesses: Forest, Pulp and Energy, as well as its corporate areas The company has positioned itself as a technological partner of Ence, the leading European producer of pulp     Indra has signed a contract with Ence ...
    18 December 2013
  7. Indra creates a tablet app that helps people with alzheimer´s keep their memories

      The solution allows associating images, videos, text or music to people and places that are key in the user's life It also includes an assistance service to call or send a text message to a contact person, as well as a location service that automat ...
    17 December 2013 - Spain
  8. Indra, premio de la Fundación SERES a la innovación y el compromiso social de la empresa

    La multinacional de consultoría y tecnología ha sido reconocida por sus Tecnologías Accesibles, soluciones innovadoras que facilitan el acceso a la tecnología y la integración de las personas con discapacidad Indra ha creado 12 cátedras universitarias de ...
    5 December 2013 - Spain
  9. Indra integrates its electronic signature and filing solution to speed up the issue of certificates in the Universidad Europea

    Some of its benefits include the transfer of dossiers and issue of academic certificates on the same day or the reduction of times and trips that professors must make to deliver, sign and review grades  Over 16,000 students and 1,000 professors of the Uni ...
    3 December 2013 - Spain
  10. Indra to manage and operate the main sentinel-2 Satellite image processing and archiving centre

    The company will use its facilities to host all the infrastructure of the new ESA centre, which will enter into service in 2014 Indra will store 1,000 terabytes of new images per year This contract consolidates Indra's position as a satellite data pr ...
    28 November 2013 - Spain