News finder

  1. Indra and the Universia Foundation collaborate on integrating young people with disabilities

    Both entities have signed an agreement to promote internships at the multinational for university students with disabilities The agreement is linked to Indra's "Combining Capabilities" programme, which strives to effectively integrate profe ...
    25 September 2013 - Spain
  2. Indra, coordinates, in collaboration with the Civil Guard, the first tests of the future european system for maritime surveillance

      The first validation phase of Perseus has been launched with an exercise to detect and monitor a vessel in the strait The objective is to expand control over activities at sea and to enable EU nations to share information in real time Indra leads this R ...
    24 September 2013 - Spain
  3. Indra provides its medical imaging technology for a pioner surgery using Google Glass

    The wireless arthroscopic device (WAD), jointly developed by the technological multinational and the CEMTRO clinic, was used in a live master class led by the prestigious traumatologist Pedro Guillén, in which nearly 300 centres from all over the world pa ...
    23 September 2013 - Spain
  4. Indra and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid create a chair in the area of aeronautical technologies

    Both organisations combine their knowledge and experience with the aim of carrying out research & development, teaching and dissemination activities in the areas of simulation, air navigation and space The Rector of the UPM, Carlos Conde, and Indra� ...
    16 September 2013 - Spain
  5. Indra consolidates its presence in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the eight consecutive year

    The multinational consulting and technology firm is the only company in the IT and Internet Services technological sub-sector to remain in the global index since its entry in 2006 Indra's continued presence in the ranking represents recognition of it ...
    12 September 2013
  6. Indra wins a contract in Brazil to install the corporate management platform for Banco do Nordeste

    The project, valued at 49 million Brazilian reais (approximately €17 million), will enable the automation and integrated management of corporate support areas and their connection to the businesses of the largest regional financial development entity in L ...
    10 September 2013 - Brazil
  7. The university of Malaga creates a chair for reseaching and developing technologies that facilitate accessibiility in Smart Cities

    The final objective is to create a platform that enables the open development of applications that help eliminate barriers in cities The first specific project that has been planned is a city location and guidance solution for people with reduced mobility ...
    6 September 2013 - Spain
  8. Ukraine esntrusts modernisation of Simferopol's air traffic management system to Indra

    This new contract is the latest in a series of contracts awarded to Indra for upgrading the country's air navigation infrastructure The company has already implemented this same system and deployed radar in various control centres and airports Indra ...
    4 September 2013 - Ukraine
  9. Indra and the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico create the fisrt chair in accessible technologies in the country

    The aim is to research and develop new solutions and services that facilitate access to technology as well as social and employment inclusion for people with disabilities The Chair in Accessible Technologies in Mexico is the second to be established by In ...
    2 September 2013 - Mexico
  10. Maltese embassies will use mobile biometric scanning system of Indra for using visas

    Mounted in a briefcase weighing 9 kg, this innovative system makes it possible to capture a traveller's biographical and biometric data quickly and easily   The solution captures fingerprints, hand-written signatures and facial features, and integrat ...
    22 August 2013 - Malt