News finder

  1. Indra designs the new operations model for Peru's electric market

      It will perform a study for the Supervisory Body of Investments in Energy and Mines (OSINERGMIN) that will determine the necessary regulations for automating the Secondary Regulation service of the power that is generated and consumed in the nation The ...
    26 November 2013 - Peru
  2. Indra has collaborated with INTECO and CNPIC in the development of CloudCERT, the cloud platform for improving cybersecurity

      Indra forms part of the consortium that has designed this solution, which will facilitate the exchange of information about cybernetic threats The prototype will enable simulations with the agents involved in protecting critical infrastructures This R&a ...
    25 November 2013 - Spain
  3. Indra modernises the commercial and corporate management of Hondura`s power company

    The project includes implementing the technological multinational's commercial cycle and incident management systems at ENEE in order to improve service quality and customer support, along with SAP's ERP, which will enable the integrated managem ...
    21 November 2013 - Honduras
  4. Indra facilitates the cloud integration of A Coruña´s urban platform smart solutions

      The multinational consulting and technology firm has rolled out for the city government of this Galician city a cloud version of SOFIA2, its information integration and orchestration solution for smart cities SOFIA2 is the base of what will be the first ...
    19 November 2013 - Spain
  5. Indra displays at EVS27 its comprehensive support solution for electric vehicle roll-out

    The dual equipment for charges of up to 43 KW and the platform for managing and operating charge infrastructures are the main innovations the company will unveil  The multinational consulting and technology firm continues making progress in the developmen ...
    18 November 2013 - Spain
  6. Indra participates in BCN RAIL with its cutting-edge technology for the railway sector

    The company's leading worldwide solutions for railway control and transportation ticket sales will be on display at its stand along with the latest developments for signalling and the integration of train-land telecommunications Indra maintains its c ...
    14 November 2013 - Spain
  7. Indra displays its integrated offering for cities of the future at the Smart City Expo World Congress

    Indra is one of the few global companies capable of providing a smart cities solution that covers all the activity areas of a city and facilitates the exchange of information and the definition of behaviour patterns through an urban government platform It ...
    13 November 2013 - Spain
  8. Indra, galardonada por sus tecnologías accesibles en los premios de la Fundación Círculo de Economía

    La multinacional de consultoría y tecnología ha sido reconocida en la categoría de “Inclusión Social” por el desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras que facilitan el acceso a la tecnología y la integración de las personas con discapacidad Indra ha creado 12 ...
    6 November 2013 - Spain
  9. Indra implements the metering data management system for the turkish power company SEDAŞ

    The project includes the development of the entire application  infrastructure as well as its integration with the power company's commercial system, and it will enable SEDAŞ to adapt to the quality and agility demands of Turkey's new regulatory ...
    6 November 2013 - Turkey
  10. Indra’s net profit in the first nine months was €67M

    Sales in LatAm up 15% and Europe & North America also up 13%. Sales in Spain down 11% Order intake of €2,177m and backlog of €3,448m Recurrent EBIT margin remains around 8%, in line with the target for the full year   Indra’s business has performed we ...
    31 October 2013 - Spain