From Indra ATM we provide a 'resilient' architectures to achieve the greatest market availability
This system allows the air traffic controller to monitor all the aircraft in the airspace, clearly, simultaneously, and without interference. The A-MTD is the latest generation of a concept that has evolved over more than twenty years.
Significant performances in the detection of aircraft flying tangentially to the radar, more accurate ground clutter map due to azimuth synchronization. p>
Weather conditions detected by the radar are measured in six levels of intensity conforming to the ICAO and U.S. Weather Bureau standards and are processed using a weather channel in parallel with the target channel, the mapping is implemented in redundant processors, thereby providing high availability of this critical product. The integrated weather channel has an independent set of Doppler filters that eliminate clutter from the weather output.
Special signal processing techniques are used to edit multi-trip, anomalous propagation clutter echoes and windfarm mitigation. The particular Moving Target Detector (MTD) implemented is optimized to allow controllers to see an aircraft in severe ground and weather clutter conditions.
We grow alongside our clients
- Resilient architecture based in a multiple modes of modules combination of operation
- Parallel and independent Weather channel
- Optimized Moving Target Detector technology
- Low false alarm aircraft detection in bad weather improves controller productivity