Por Ben Schneider - 23/12/2014

Por Ángel Bonet - 22/12/2014

Por Beatriz Martínez Martín - 22/12/2014
This week's Technology Observatory brings you the following stories:
● Skype Translator intends to prevent language from being a barrier for speaking long distance
● Honor T1, the first tablet of the new European brand of Huawei is here
● Smartphones: Samsung continues to rule while Xiaomi devours LG
● Telefónica remains partnerless in the United Kingdom, BT will only negotiate with Orange and Deutsche Telekom

Por Leonardo Benítez - 18/12/2014
The energy sector in Spain faces challenges of considerable importance that include, from energy sustainability and the reduction of CO2 emissions (in accordance with the declaration of the European Commission of 20061), through to a necessary continuous increase of system efficiency.